All-Ireland Hurling Championship 2019***

What’s your experience of Limerick supporters? @anon32894817 making a show of you online? :rofl:


@Bandage’s Wexico rallying cry from 5 hours ago has sent this thread in an unusual but ultimately predictable direction. That’s just the way the INTERNET works sometimes.

Wexford contributors are keeping very quiet. Waiting in very long grass.

There’s a weird Cork/Galway dalliance after forming on here since last year. It’s disturbing

They’ve taken it to the private forum. A shrude move.

When did that happen? Are you living through him now, as anytime youve tried to tackle me you funked it, just like you funked it in canada

As best I can see - the only Limerick poster having a go is Apple and it’s driving the Galway lads demented . As for your other point, I very rarely engage with the mentally ill mate.

Post up there where he drove me demented?

You’re stuck in a loop

Like Limerick supporters.

@maroonandwhite Id say you are an awful pain in the hole to be in the vicinity of in a public area, one of those loudmouth wankers who go on and on until someone tells you to quiten down which I have no doubt you duly do!

I’ll always respect @anon32894817 , only man among ye to keep the Limerick voice alive in late July, early August 2018. Ploughed a lonely furrow*.

Furrow: the result of ploughing.



Yeh were the whipping boys of Munster for long enough then threw the toys out and got to a straight semi. Not happy with that ye threw another tantrum until ye finally got into Leinster.
Kilkenny will get their act together at some stage and ye’ll go off in a huff again.
Hilarious stuff.

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You’d miss the ‘yerra’ alright.

Yeah, you can’t really use the exact same line i did a few posts back, i know you come across as a lad who doesn’t pull up too many trees intellectually, but you’ll have to try harder than that

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The veil slips off Mike the cat.


So you are a self aware cunt then? I see.

Time for a new one Ambrose.

A new county? Sure is two not enough for you.

I know im causing the hamster to pedal too hard for you here, but thats not a witty retort (look it up) at all pal, it amounts to ‘i know you are but what am i?’ similar to your previous post.