All-Ireland Hurling Championship 2019***

Its literally two posts up. Who the fuck are you anyways

Oh dear

@Sidney Can you come in and moderate this.

Sure the money eventually made itself useful, unless daly was down there coaching as he loves limerick underage hurling?

Why does it bother you so much if Limerick won a soft A I? Do you really care?

Trumps triumphant visit finished him off.

It’s impossible change your mind because you’ve the narrative already set in your head.

You’re wildly inconsistent in your opinions in order to suit the narrative in your head.

The ref screwed Kilkenny against Limerick but Lyons reffed a brilliant game yesterday. Those aren’t “points”. They’re opinions.

You claim to be a master debater but in reality you lash out wildly inconsistent opinions and claim some sort of weird high ground that your opinions matter more than others.

It’s a very weird delusion of grandeur


Whats the story there? Has the shite being talked on here spilled out on to the streets?

Youve seen the light. Just matters that this is recognized. Doesn’t change the value of the gold in the medals.

In layman’s terms he’s a thick ignorant Galway bollox.


This is like reactor 2 in Chernobyl. Let’s stop the meltdown lads, it’s only June.

I was loth to say it as he’ll whinge about name calling as some sort of point scored to himself, despite insulting the intelligence of everyone who responded to him all night.

That’s the way it’s gone these days

No its deeper than that. How dare Limerick come in and ruin their 2 in a row in one foul sweep. We should be ashamed of ourselves.

Points, opinions and debate are in the online forum world synonyms? Are you suggesting a ref cant have done a good job in one match and a different ref cant have done a bad job in a game a year earlier. That ridiculousness is what youve actually suggested in an attwmpt to be haughty. Good lord.

Show me my inconsistent opinions so?



Men largely in late thirties / forties and fifties spending a day arguing and 20 somethings engaging in a hobby .

Gas cunts

You’ve just done it in that post.
Jesus wept