All-Ireland Hurling Championship 2019***

I’m just reiterating your chain of reasoning mate, in laymans terms without the abundance of waffle and chaff that goes with one of your posts.

So no reasoning or argument, you only started posting to try and wind me up? Ok, good to see you admit that, toddle along now fool

I actually have a question for the Limerick lads. Did TJ drag this team down, or was he just there too early?
Limerick are like the great kk sides I honestly think, the fuckers, and will be very hard beaten, and I think only tipp playing well will do so. Like kk, you have to out wrestle them and then out hurl them if you can, and it’s only tipp I can see capable of that at present. Galway can in spells, but drift right out of games, and only against tipp do they seem to hurl for the full 80 odd minutes.
I do think that kk would trouble limerick, if playing with a full hand, because they will man the fcuk up across the board.
Cork are Cork, and could do anything. Dublin lack the forwards to beat them. Wexford do also imho.
I would turn things on their head, and say that tipp, gy, and kk have the set up to trouble limerick. Cork could waltz around anyone at Croker, but I’m not convinced they have the steel.
An observation I would have is that the referee against clare ignored the spare arm tackle completely, and limerick are as good at it as kk in their prime.

You didn’t, your cut off at the year 2000 is unrelated to your argument, which is comparing Galway before and after joining Leinster. Flawed logic = flawed conclusions.

Now that’s not my reasoning at all, where did I say I wanted a pro Galway ref? We want to win fair, we aren’t Tipperary

Lads lining up to get a reply in. The pace is frantic around here.


I broke it up into 20 year gaps.

clearly I didnt start that way considering I’ve put both advantages and disadvantages out there, but in your seethe you cant see that so it is what it is. And I really dont care enough either to drag it out further.

you’re wrong.

But the discussion is whether being in Leinster has helped Galway or not.

No you didn’t. Your putting the advantages out there amounted to you writing ‘you’d say’ it would be an advantage. Not a great argument I’m afraid

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I think its much of a muchness tbh, given the bulk of the hurling is East of the Shannon

Having to beat the battle hardened but not overtaxed champions of Leinster and Munster was a huge task though I take your point, most Galway teams just weren’t good enough but if you take a team like 85-90 theyd have improved wholesale with more matches

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Can anyone answer this, and I’ve answered every query, some truly idiotic.

Why is playing Galway in a semi final (12 wins) a huge advantage to teams to playing Antrim (6 wins) in a semi final?

In reality Galway were shite at hurling until the 80’s. They had fluked final appearances up until that point based on the unfair system. The good team they had in the 80s had an unfair advantage but were obviously an excellent team anyway. That team made hurling in Galway a lot more popular and now they are very good at hurling

If you look at the Galway minors who receive a similar advantage they have won 11 minor championships since 1992 with only one before that in 1983. Kilkenny are the next highest on 6 in that timeframe.

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I am in me hoop wrong

Antrim would never have made an All-Ireland final only for them being given a bye to a semi

Similarly with their under-21 team in 2013

Being given a bye to a semi-final obviously significantly increases your chances of getting to an All-Ireland final as you only have to win one match as opposed to three or four

How come Antrim hadn’t fluked any based on the same system?

Teege was a good lad but Kiely is on a different level altogether. He has a very clear game plan and picks a team to suit it, even at the expense of leaving out arguably our best forward Dowling because he doesn’t fit his system. I don’t think Teege would ever have gotten us over the line. It required something special.
In Kinnerk and O’Connor he has two of the best in the game to help him as well. He’s probably fortunate in that timing wise both were available with him at the same time, both had learned their trade elsewhere and by a quirk of fate both were limerick men.
You can see they’ve all bought into him though. When the players talk you can nearly hear kielys words coming out of their mouth


I know that but you need evidence to prove it.

Limerick have put waterford and clare to the sword but in hindsight not a huge achievement. Cork readily beat them this year and id be pretty confident that Tipp will do likewise.

Limerick are decent but are no world beaters imho.