All-Ireland Hurling Championship 2019***

So was I. It was toe to toe alright, kk were absorbing plenty of punches but never looked beaten

You can then call then an outstanding team and make comparisons to that great kilkenny team. Untill then, it’s all conjecture.

The Deise made Galway their bitch

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This whole fucking thread is conjecture.

Come down into Munster so. Let’s see how ye get on.

Fair point.

Hopefully we’ll meet again before the year is out. I think Cork just caught us cold. We’ve tweeked a few things since and I think it’d be a different story if we meet again.

I do agree though, Waterford are a rabble and Clare are for whatever reason not the team they were last year. Next weekend won’t teach us anything either as neither Tipp nor Limerick will be too keen to show their hand. I’d imagine both will make 3 or 4 changes to freshen it up and give lads a chance.

Wouldn’t rule out a Clare backlash against your boys. I don’t think ye are as good as we made ye look the second day out. Clare looked like they just wanted to be put out of their misery on Sunday though.


In the 70’s Galway were completely dependent on John Connolly. It was like ye had one hurler and a group of lads that were just off the bog and didn’t use a hurley much different to a sleán. The defeat of Limerick in 80 heralded the arrival of some nice hurlers and a couple of right good ould dirty bastards that every team needs. In reality Galway hurling is very similar to Offaly’s rise. The arrival of out side forces Christian Brothers, Clare lads etc bringing Galway hurling to a new level. They have nutured it whereas the Offaly lads have let it die.

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As I wrote above from 1940 on there was 18 years when there were two semi finals, one v Galway, one v Antrim that Galway didn’t win in. So 18 years where the all Ireland was compromised of teams one of who did beaten Galway, one of who’s beaten Antrim. Now you’ve said hard matches are a disadvantage, I’ve said an advantage. By your reckoning teams who went through Antrim should be at an advantage, or maybe there should be no real advantage. I reckon teams that went through Galway were at a huge advantage.

And the facts back me up, 2:1 win ratio for teams who have played Galway. Why is this?

( in having to spell a very straightforward question out for you I’ve already answered it really)

By God.

You take an hour away from the INTERNET and lads have delved into Munster hurling in the 60s, the fairness of the old championship, the merits of Galway in Leinster. The quality of old Galway teams. Kiely v Teege. And the current Limerick team v the great KK team.



Stop hiding behind the Munster championship just because ye are afraid of Kilkenny

throw up the pairings.

Well, they didn’t get more than one game if they lost their first meaningful game, before or after 1997 and up until 2009 when Galway joined Leinster. The various backdoor systems from 1997 to 2009 were of no advantage to Galway, as they were out if they lost their first real game.

Keep under rating us.

Google it

It takes the hurling championship for this place to really come alive. There was 300 posts on this thread last night after about 9 o’clock and from a brief scan they were about absolutely nothing. Unraleable.

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all the way to two in a row.

Some lads are going to be in an awful headspace in August

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Too many question marks over the Limerick team at the moment. A good team not a great team as the man says. They cannot be considered a great team until they win two against proper opponents


The team you beat in the semi final has little to no impact on the final. 12 vs. 6 is not significant enough to read further into it

A two to one ratio isn’t significant…ok.