All-Ireland Hurling Championship 2019***

The team you beat in the semi final has little to no impact on the final

Galway were also decent in the 1920s, sorry to upset you

Anything to back this up? I’ve provided evidence to the direct contrary

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Did Galway clubs return the 100,000 he sent up to them?
Did they fuck!

The sample size isn’t big enough for it to be evidence as I already said

That’s conveniently your opinion. But you have nothing to back up saying it doesn’t matter. Got it.

That’s the greatness of JP and the kindness of Limerick people. In our greatest hour we wanted to share it with all of Ireland.


2300 posts in June so far. We’ll need a new thread before the Semi finals.

Threads before June are soft


you’ve taken a biased sample.
you don’t have confidence intervals.

you’re method is ridiculous.

You’ve looked for a pattern and pulled out a ratio to suit your narrative.

Where have I seen this before?

How is it biased? How is the method ridiculous?

you’ve taken an already small sample and narrowed it down further to get the results to suit your narrative.

you’re 2:1 ratio while looking good for your argument is as close to statistically insignificant as you can get.

Your own arguments.

Thats the only sample i could use? And it covers semi finals over 60 years or so. Your oen sample was twenty years so by that reckoning… Labane disproved it immediately anyways

so out of a sample size of 130 AI, you’ve more than halved the population to 60 and out of that you’ve again more than halved it to 18 to try and say something is statistically significant.

The main reason it isn’t significant is because Galway are the losing most team in AI history having lost 95 of the 153 championship games they have played. Antrim are the team that have lost the second most. 42 of the 52 they’ve played.

So you’ve taken two of the teams who’ve lost more than anyone else in the Championship and tried to decipher some sort of statical significance from the 18 years out of 130 to suit your narrative.

Galway have historically shit the course, regardless of the format. Statistically proven.

It won’t be long anyway before they’re whingeing to come out of Leinster.

Is love Island on tonight lads?

They should make prisoners that act up read this thread as punishment


Statistics has ruined the GGA.

you started it you fucker :smiley:


Joe Canning-esque performance from @maroonandwhite here over the past 20 hours.
When he’s not rocketing home frees he’s popping clever passes to runners coming off the shoulder. He’s destroyed a couple of All Stars with a mixture of resilience, dogged defending and the odd fact. Lads clutching at shadows and it’s still early June.