All-Ireland Hurling Championship 2019***

Galway hurling has only existed since 1980 really & we gave them a hand getting it going.

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All they need do is go prove it and win a championship unbeaten.

Riddle me this. Do you believe that Liverpools champions league is stained this year given the fact that they were beaten a few times at group stage? Also the fact that the system was changed (1994 I think ) to include ā€œnon championsā€

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Had they gone unbeaten it would have been more impressive

Nobody likes to get beaten . But had ye got over the line in 2015, Iā€™m sure yet wouldnā€™t be using that stick.

Of course an unbeaten one is more impressive.

Iā€™ve already said 98 was better than 01 even though 01 was harder won.

Youā€™ve used it against us a few times now and considering the hammering your fellow county men are just after getting off @anon78624367 itā€™s hardly surprising I guess that youā€™ve fuck all.else to come back with.

Used what?

How many times have you brought up "the unbeaten " thing at this stage?

Why does what I say bother you? Yere all Ireland champions. Ye should be enjoying it.

Itā€™s a good one though.

In what sense. Because you reckon it gets up our noses? I think it probably irks ye more than it does us as yet were unbeaten coming into it and we had the nerve to beat ye.
Cue the "ye barely fell over the line and nearly shit the togs again " posts.

Would you all fuck off - you pricks.

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Will ye shake hands lads?


Nothing to do with ye at all lads. Iā€™ve no beef with ye. I think it is impressive that Galway went unbeaten in 2017, thatā€™s all. I donā€™t understand all this animosity to be honest.

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Iā€™d gladly shake anyoneā€™s hand here, even @maroonandwhite. But only if he washed it thoroughly first

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Not sure if the point has been made already, but the Limerick lads love highlighting Galwayā€™s 1 win in ten years in the Munster championship. In that ten year, Limerick only won 3 games themselves.


And they didnā€™t even have the refs conspiring to make them loseā€¦