All-Ireland Hurling Championship 2019***

@Locke drove from Cork to Wexford and appears to have been facing the wrong way when he eventually got into Wexford Park. Chin was quiet. Kilkenny played all the hurling. Conor Brophy was MOTM etc etc.


Weā€™ve walked all over you in championship and league in the last few years so youā€™re due one by the law of averages.

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Highly unlikely Iā€™d say. The other two though :tired_face:

The 2nd tackle was a much fairer tackle than the first, it should have been a free in for charging. Horgan had a poor game, he seemed to get completely caught up with the crowd and going with the Wexford flow.

Donā€™t take the bait, @Bandage.

The Wexford lads cant handle a few home truths

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Iā€™ll bait him with facts, then bate him with my cap


The Wexford crowd always bay for blood. Elite level roasters in fairness

The lads would want The Rockā€™s ICONIC point v Limerick all those years back rescinded for running through someone on the way out.

The players must be wicked frustrated with the putrid style of hurling theyā€™ve been asked to play. You could see that frustration bubbling to the surface yesterday with ROCs wild pull on Murphy and O Hanlonā€™s red card

Wexford want to reinact the actions of a Cloyne knuckledragger who didnā€™t win the match in the end.


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Ye beat us by a few points in thurles alright a few years ago. We beat ye like a foxy stepchild in wexford park the year before thatā€¦

I fondly recall two unmerciful hammerings doled out in croke Park in the early noughties

Cork never feared Wexford. Wed love to meet ye in a semi final though. Ye are great oul craic and the big red sun burnt scaldy flat accented heads on ye


The top sides (limerick) manage to get the same intensity and swarm into their defensive system without having to commit everyone back. Wexford need to leave at least two up. The top sides (limerick) would ate them alive if they kept pucking ball down on top of a sweeper like they did yesterday.


Guys, I never mention referees but Horgan missed the blatant pick up off the ground when we were 4-2 up. Poor Davy went apoplectic. Gave the free against ROC then when the defender emerged with the ball. Reid caught the long free in and popped it off to Mullen for a point. 4-3 when it should have been 5-2, as Chinner was knocking over the frees in the first half. But I really donā€™t think itā€™s becoming to talk about referees, even though weā€™ve been on the wrong end of it against both Dublin and Kilkenny with Horgan in charge. Little, nuanced things that only the likes of myself, @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy and a few others identify. But sure look it, itā€™d be churlish to go on about it so I donā€™t mention referees.

Every team in every sport does that tbf

Agree rating. We need to evolve a little bit to win the All Ireland.

Can we expect pride to kick in at all from Clare today @Big_Dan_Campbell or are they resigned to going out with a whimper.

Surely a kick in them. Wouldnt surprise me if we needed to rely on tipp to do us a favour

Having to play that system against the worst KK team for 25 years must be demoralising

Some amount of scores ye conceded last night were from ye passing to a Kilkenny man