All Ireland Hurling Championship 2022



What happened in this incident?

Breen added, “What Gearoid Hegarty done to kick the ball over the sideline, he could have kicked someone in the eye and done damage to their eyesight for life if they were wearing glasses”.


No idea kid. But its cheered my week up no end

Christ. They’ve made a show of themselves… Burning down houses I suppose @Watchyourtoes

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Could any stray sliothar do that?

Hego kind of kicked away a ball out of frustration after a free was given against him. He was about 30 yards from the sideline never mind the stand so I presume he means the ball could have hit someone in the eye. An auld lobbed boot of a ball be far preferable to a belted ball you’d imagine

No, only if Hego did it.

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There was a free against him and he kicked the ball into the stand in frustration. We’ll have to develop an ice hockey type setup to ensure the ball never goes off the field of play.

They"ll probably look for a minutes silence before the match on Saturday

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Unintentional ironing here from Alan Milton.

Yeah Alan. 2 games in Thurles on a Saturday like. Fuck off.

From my reading of that he is talking of the croke Park fixtures. Maybe you’re right though


Easy see why he’s an ex-TD.

This meltdown is hilarious. 9 days later and still making a show of themselves.


James gave me his business card at a wedding we were attneding in the bowels of tipp some years back when he was a TD. Wonder if I still have it somewhere. He was highly entertaining in an unintentional way.

Bring back Timmy Dooley, all is forgiven.

He is but he’s missed the point as to how badly wrong they’ve gotten the Sat quarter finals.

Completely unnecessary fuckology this week over tickets.

Hego invaded Ukraine I think and someone nearly lost an eye


After he booted the sliotar into the crowd he went down on his knee by the sideline to tie his laces, maybe to try to take the heat of what he’d just done. The banjo pluckers in the stand were going absolutely buck ape - showering abuse, making rude hand gestures - the works. It was a great piece of mini sporting theatre.

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Hego another time launched a point one time too from 50 yards. It went over the net and all, nearly killed someone. Fucking disgrace that fella

It was a great bit of shithousery from the big man

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And sure he nearly killed Aaron Fitzgerald the game before