All Ireland Hurling Championship 2022

No thatā€™s wrong. There is. The CCCC do that. They receive and review referee match reports. Itā€™s for them to ask a referee did they deal with X or Y incident.

Itā€™s very vague language in the rules and thereā€™s no review process listed anywhere.

Iā€™m open to correction but it doesnt state it anywhere who is responsible for such a review.

Sure Iā€™m just after telling you whatā€™s the rules say on it. The CCCC review the refā€™s report, they can draw incidents to the referees attention, if they have not been dealt with by the referee in the game the CCCC can decide to pursue disciplinary action.

How do they become aware of these incidents?

Is there a process put in place that can stand uo in the face of potential legal challenges via the DRA?

Iā€™d imagine if they review a refā€™s report they must have some knowledge of the game, perhaps they watched it?

I donā€™t understand your second question. The DRA is the appeals body, players or teams can appeal decisions of the DRA to the courts. The fact that they donā€™t suggests the system works.

Your imagination and ā€˜perhapsā€™ are exactly why Iā€™m saying it should be set in stone.

Players arenā€™t appealing the decision of the DRA because theyā€™re getting off on technical and procedural issues. A clearky defined abd auduts process would bring an end to this.

I could do with a lift

Thereā€™s a handbook containing the disciplinary process available as an addendum to the Treoir Oifigiuil Part 2. Itā€™s very comprehensive and clearly sets out the (sometimes exhaustive) procedures you have enquired about.

Have you a link?

One approx page 136 of Part 1 of the GAA guide if refers to CCCC investigation something not included in the refereeā€™s report but make zero mention as to how this can come abour

I have the document, but not on the device Iā€™m currently on. Iā€™ll dig it out later.

EDIT - Actually, if you go to the DRA website (sportsdra) Iā€™m fairly sure itā€™ll be attached to the documentation of several cases therein.

Ill have a look when ai get time but I donā€™t think that it will list a proper video review process.

The only way this will be a success, in that it acts as a deterrent to players engaging in wreckless play, will be if itā€™s the role of a stated member of the officiating team to carry this out in the immediate aftermath of the game

The Limericks called this right, a special bunch.


Whats this mate?

Nobody ex td saying Clare should withdraw from All Ireland if the two boys get suspended.

Youā€™re from Wexford right?

I wonder will Wexford line out and score a token goal against no one or will they just abandon it?

I am.

The electorate that voted in Mick Wallace.

Mind that glasshouse.

I didnā€™t vote for him?

Sure ye lads had him for the EU elections, we can spread the blame around now