All Ireland Hurling Championship 2022

Hopefully Keenan, Paud O’Dwyer and Fergal Horgan get the last three games in that order.

Colm Lyons was poor enough again today.

On first viewing, I thought it was a fair shoulder. I don’t think the videos showed conclusively that it wasn’t, so I don’t see how a referee is supposed to make that call when it is so hard to tell.

I thought Paud O’Dwyer had an excellent game. Not perfect, but managed it well, it wasn’t his fault the first half was dire.

Colm Lyons had a less good game.

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Bill Murray didn’t look impressed when things went offscript

It is not going to happen.

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Poor old Hego is grand…those lads shouldn’t be in the way of his hurley ffs! Hard to fathom alright.

You are missing the point, unsurprisingly.

No way - Hego is innocent!

I thought giving the benefit of the doubt to Burke was the right call. Dwyer has steadily improved over the last while, and sadly, Lyons has found his level. He’s awful.

For a bit of perspective, if Hego took that shoulder, it’s no free. If it was Cian Lynch it probably is.


Wexford folded like a cheap tent once the pressure came on. A team of nobodies

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Your county team completely ran out of steam after 55/60 minutes. They were utterly destroyed for the last 10 minutes +injury time. They were nowhere

Would you sit back and relax a bit and enjoy the good times. Ye are about to play a very limited outfit with a few old timers holding the show together. Ye are a well trainered, supremely organised, professional outfit. There is a clear gap between our two counties.

Ride the wave, we won’t lay a glove on ye.

Do you be worrying your little papier-mâchÊ head about me.


Straight answer, I thought it a fair shoulder, no matter who it was on, but the fact it was daithi Burke made me think it more so, because he is both the best and the cleanest 3 I have ever seen play. It was also absolutely his only chance of legitimately stopping a goal, and he probably saved the game. If he had mistimed it it was at best a black card and penalty. I don’t think he did.


If Hego did it ye’d want him sent to the Gulag

I think he should be sent to the gulag anyway so :person_shrugging:

The Macnas heads burnt a lot of energy here last night. Pace yourselves lads.

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Balbec meant to post that in the pm group. Rattled.

Not rattled at all. We all know what’s coming.

By jayses a few lads on both sides hit the top shelf a bit early last night. Still a fortnight to the game and already lads like @Lazarus have shed their load