All Ireland Hurling Championship 2022

The Cork lads becoming Limericks little bitches is reminiscent of Wexford during the era of Kilkenny domination. Its something I never thought I would see from the Carkies but there you go


JC’s columns have been enjoyable, for sure, and quite incisive.

To me, constantly referencing self help books and coaching manuals has a deadening effect. So does an obsessive need to buttress your past sideline career.


100 percent and a sign of insecurity



Pat Keane in the Examiner used to write a great Racing opinion column in the same vein; addressed the pertinent issues, well written, plain language and accessible to all.

Resorting to that self-help stuff tells me the writer has nothing to say.

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It’s a realistic viewpoint at the moment, no point denying or fighting it.
I think Cork are at least as good as anybody else but you have to win the matches when they’re there to be won. But to pretend Cork are in Limericks league would be pure madness


Some people love it, of course. So…

From what I can discern about those books – would never waste time reading them – is that they are all variations in one key: ‘the fine art of the bleedin’ obvious’.

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Would there be any auld AI hurling skills competition (non-contact) that the Carkies could dominate. They deserve it, like, bhoy.

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Even so bending the knee has never been the Cork way before

Not really. I think a midfield slot would play to his strengths, athleticism and commitment. He would also be able to compete physically, needs be, with Darragh O’Donovan and Will O’Donoghue.


What do you mean? There’s been loads of bad Cork teams that never stood a chance of winning an All Ireland because of stronger teams being out there, now it’s Limerick.
I doubt there was much bullishness when it was clearly a waste of time,
They’ll make it back to the top table sone time. :man_shrugging:

Cork were famous for fearing no-one and coming out of nowhere any given year to win, rightfully in their eyes, Liam. Something in the mindset has definitely shifted

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66, 86 and 90?

There was no dominant teams back then, Cork took advantage of that

You are beaten before a ball is thrown in with that mentality.

Sure I’m not playing at all,

The other thing is that the refereeing tends to be slightly different. The lads who referee the semi-finals probably know at that stage that they’re unlikely to get the final, so they often relax a bit and they let things go that they wouldn’t usually. They don’t get hung up on technical fouls as much. As a result, the game opens up and the two teams play with greater freedom.

Subtle and good point, well put across.

How could you think that the Cork team of 86 came out of nowhere?

They had won the Munster championship for the 5th year in a row by then and appeared in All-Ireland finals in 82, 83 & 84, winning the latter one.

Kilkenny were starting to wane by 86 alright, as Galway emerged, but Cork were probably the most consistent team of that period. A lot of them were still there in 1990 also.

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The subservient mentality to Limerick from you here is all too indicitave of your county teams alas. Its not the way is used to be with Cork people

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They were heavy underdogs in my memory, I know how good they were, I assumed that was one of the games he was talking about, maybe I was wrong and he was harping back to the 30s and 40s?

86 was the year galway invented "the third midfielder " iirc, then proceeded to lamp in grenades to Johnny Crowley who had time to light a fag before he caught it and hurled it straight back