All Ireland Hurling Championship 2022


Something alchemical happened over the four week break, as both Brian Cody and TJ Reid hinted after the game.

Incredibly intereting game today. All this talk of Limerick walking all over galway is nonsense (i would love it though). Galway will be ready, have a plan to shut down Limerick. They wont be as poor as they were vs cork. I expect massive Physicality for the whole 70 mins. It will be like 2020. The biggest fear is a repeat of 2019 when we gave kk a head start and never fire. If Limerick start firing near top gear i think we will win narrowly

2019 was down to poor management and Hannon’s dickie heart.

What clown takes responsibility for Kilkenny losing control of their own destiny in 2022 by playing shite and losing to Wexford?

The likes of you has not got a clue. And no cojones.

Any answer?

Getting some preparation time leads to significant improvement.

In the halcyon days circa 2009-2017, Tipp, Galway and Kilkenny used improve immeasurably as the summer wore on with 2 or 3 week intervals leading to some of the greatest games of all time in August and September.

The current format for the most part leads to teams scrambling around for form and results in shit standards and shit games.

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Cody keeps trucking along and nobody will ever know what if?
Incredible that he’ll be allowed continue if and when they fall again this year :man_shrugging:

Kilkenny have played 7 championship games this year and have had one really bad game.

They’d have been desperately unlucky to go out similar to Galway in 2019

And i dont think Micheal Donoghue was a clown back then.

All true.

Eoin Larkin said to me once that training games in which you can improve your standing are scarce and you need to make the most of them when they arrive. Cian Kenny, and a few other lads, clearly did so over the last few weeks. I knew from what I was hearing something unusual, and brilliant, was going on.

Fair play to Brian Cody, absolutely. But you could equally say: what happened last year against Cork and the previous year against Waterford? Mikey Butler and Cian Kenny are the only new players.


Fuck ii, it annoys me the more and more i think about it. Watching the final on a miserable day in the still house. The first 15 minutes were awful. Another 5 mins at the end we would have won. Kk deserved winners no doubt. We were too cocky thought we just needed to show up. I believe lesons were learnt that day. No repeats. Get the win today end of

Who called Micheál Donoghue and/or Brian Cody a clown?

The 2022 Leinster campaign by Kilkenny was, at best, mediocre. They lost control of their own destiny when matters most counted by playing shite and losing to Wexford. Fact. Kilkenny only played well-ish against Dublin and were competent in the Leinster Final against a Galway side who refused the fence.

All bets are off now, though.

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Galway only got competitive after being allowed into leinster. Took long enough to eat at the top table again. We had our famine so no need to try and throw that insult, we are long pat it.

Thw haylon days your on about were the Tipp KK rivalery which had 3 finals in a row between them. It was fanstic as a neutral but also heartbreaking to watch and wonder when it will be us.

Again pre galway getting into leinster they were alway guaranteed a SF or QF. Easy to pull off a shock when there was only 2 teams to compete against

TJ Reid gave some exhibition yesterday.


I think they’ll have to end the round robin nonsense now after this year.

That was both teams 7th game of the season yesterday. Hard to expect fans to keep on coming to all the games. 39k was absolutely desperate stuff.

Championship should be ‘must not miss’ but it has become a pick and choose fest. It should be reaching a crescendo now but looks like ending in a whimper.

Is the final even guaranteed to sell out?

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He can continue as long as he likes if Kilkenny keep hurling like they hurled yesterday.

The nub is performance. Kilkenny simply had not been performing to anything like optimum over the last few seasons.

You’d think giving Tipp four guaranteed games would enable them to win at least one :man_shrugging:


There was a time when Galway were moaning about the QF being their first champship game. Relax pal. Round Robin works. Split season works. A few tweeks might be needed but they are working as intended

Zero chance of them ending the round robin.

More spacing and variety in venue selection is needed.

Yesterday’s game should have been in Cork or Thurles on Sunday August 7th.

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How many games in a row is it now where Clare have started with Tony Kelly taking the frees before having to switch?


Ah they were in All-Ireland finals in 2001 and 2005. Galway were always a very talented team in the 00’s. The only difference from 09’ onwards was they had a prime Joe and a softer route. Some lads will snigger at the softer route part but it’s better to waltz to a Leinster final and have an All-Ireland quarter-final worst case scenario than go in untested to a knockout qualifier like against Clare and Tipp in 2003 or Kilkenny in 2004.

I don’t think Galway have won as many Leinster’s as they ought to though, is it 3 since 2009? Good enough to have won 6 or 7 at least during that timeframe.

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Id agree with you there. Base it on expected attendance, but how to calculate that will be a debate. Yesterday was awfulhalf full. But if the semi was Limerick vs Cork croke park would nearly be sold out as both sets of fans travel in numbers.

Clare brought their fair share yesterday. If it was PUC or Thurles they would have sold it out themselves with more travelling at its not up to Dublin