All Ireland Hurling Championship 2022

Leinster final and all the auld women of the forum.can talk about is the handshake. Make sure to iron yere blouses before mass tomorrow


Like a bunch of cackling hens.


Put anyone other than Murphy in the Kilkenny goals tonight and Galway are Leinster Champions

In fairness @flattythehurdler called it, that Shefflin had yet to find out about the basket case aspect of Galway hurling. He learned today.

Perhaps the biggest disappointment of all for Galway was conceding some ridiculously stupid frees, which TJ punished. Kilkenny weren’t exactly finding it easy to create chances from open play, particularly against the wind.

Galway weren’t playing well but if there was only a point or two in it, they might have sneaked something. But they handed Kilkenny scores by making some very poor decisions when tackling. Too many high tackles that were just unnecessary, they’re just lazy frees to concede.

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I think its more of a sign how shit the match was. I’d go home disgusted if I saw that standard of hurling at a challenge game in January.


Shefflin reminded me of myself a few weeks ago at the mart. The cattle went cracked coming off the truck and made a holy show of themselves… I spent the next 15 mins trying to distance myself from the useless cunts.


Thought they got their frees a bit handier to be honest

Clare will lose tomorrow but I’d fancy them to beat Wexford and Kilkenny to get to the final. Kilkenny really are average but they bring you down to their level with sheer aggression.

The Galway lads will all be up at the magic pond during the week. They badly need a fairy bush.


That was depressing stuff. TJ ,tipping 40, the most influential player on the field in the 2nd half. If @theLimericks steamroll Clare tomorrow we may as well as forget about hurling for the next 5 yrs.

After Salthill ex Kilkenny players were saying that Cody and shefflin would probably have a chat and laugh about it a few days later … from todays pictures it looks like they’ve never interacted once before today … which still puts Cody at fault for me .



And he gives a fuck???
I doubt it.

freddy krueger deal with it GIF

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Easy take the piss out of Galway but they’re brilliant at it. Can make the game of hurling absolute misery for you. Clean possession and clean strikes have to be earned. Half the Galway team are still waiting to start the second half.

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They played right into their hands though.

They launched a free onto the 21 at one stage sky high ball into a crowd of about 5 KK backs and Kilkenny lapped it up. You’d be giving out to a junior hurler for it

Its remarkable how Mathew O Hanlon can make TJ Reid a total non factor in games over last number of years yet Galway can make him look like the 2nd coming.

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Kilkennys workrate was unreal. They could get to an All Ireland final quite easily. No one is better at winning those low scoring, grind type games. They took a leaf out of their U20s book against Limerick. 2 very similar games in many ways. They can drag you down to a certain level and beat you with experience. Make them chase by converting a couple of early goal chances and then its a different ball game. I think that is Kilkennys level now but it is more than effective of winning games against tactically naĂŻve teams or teams that cannot replicate their work rate and edge.