All Ireland Hurling Championship 2022

Really? I doubt you believe that Michael. Did he not score enough to impress you?

2020 All Ireland semi,-final.

I didnā€™t think he tried to ingratiate with anyone. He looked disgusted with what he saw from his team to me. He had to move eventually and he was a good sport and shook hands with the players that he knew. Iā€™d love to know what he said to the team after, or will say when they meet next.

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The ballyhale lads made their way over to him.

I just thought he was missing that drive he had before the injury. I remember the Wexford game before he went off and he was absolutely immense. Hes just not the same

Youre a hard man to please. Id say Huw (Hugh) (Hue) Lawlor did fairly well against him physically

Jaysus the Galway lads have taken this one fierce hard. Itā€™s only a Leinster final and itā€™s only hurling, bud.

Yis are flying it where it matters, in the big ball game.

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I think it was terribly childish by both men and particularly Shefflin. How hard was it to tip across, shake hands, have a quick word and jog on. As the losing manager and for decorumā€™s sake the responsibility rested with Shefflin to trot across and bury the inane shite that arose from the last day. Instead he stood attempting the analytical pose and acting like a bould child.
Fuck him and his 10 Celtic crosses, a bit of common manners isnā€™t that big a load to carry.

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Nailed it

What Shefflin did wasnā€™t borne of bad manners or childishness. It was borne of fear, of paralysis.

Cody induced fear and paralysis.

Cody reduced him to a gibbering wreck.

When the King comes at you, you best stand up to him. And Shefflin didnā€™t.

Thereā€™s only one King in these exchanges and it sure isnā€™t Henry.

Tipp the big winners from today. Liam McCarthy status assured for next year without pucking a ball


Youā€™d be surprisedā€¦he has PMā€™ed me many times on here ā€¦

Shefflin doesnā€™t seem to have shared many of the Kilkenny secrets with them

Limerick have a great ability to play a team as they find them, their tactics are different every day they go out but Iā€™m not sure they do much work on specifc tactics more like key underlying rules.
Hannon protects the full back line. The midfield and half forwards flood back and make the middle third a warzone. This leaves space in front of the full forward line. Everyone works like a dog.

But after that thereā€™s not much too it other than constantly supporting the man in possesion and the man in possesion finds a man in a better postion be it short or long. They play it as they see it. If a team are deep theyā€™ll pick them off from distance, if they go to war in the middle theyā€™ll use the space in front of the ff line.

Its a simple enough strategy underpinned by a fercious work rate. We get so many scores off turnovers that its nearly our best form of attack.

Clare gave us bags of it the last day by mirroring and bringing the same work rate, but Gillane and CON are two much better scorers than what started the last day. We gave away a lot of sloppy frees the last day which we canā€™t do again and Kelly had a worldie, though he always does against us.

Looking forward to it now. Havenā€™t been this excited about a match in a while.
Clare smell blood no doubt. But for me the jury is out as to how good they really are. Ennis is a burial ground for us and we got a draw with a man down and missing some key men.
Cork, Tipp and Waterford by the time they got to Clare were all awful.
Iā€™m not saying they are a bad team or anything but the acid test is tomorrow.
There are also definite question marks over Limerick too. Cork were awful against us, we gave a good display against Waterford but they turned out to be poor (Though i thought they were very good against us, maybe that loss crushed them). We were never going to lose to Tipp but we made awful hard work of it. Then the game in Clare was hardly us in our free flowing best either. Tom is not firing yet and we need his scores. Sham Flan was only back from injury the last day but was poor. Hayes inside doesnā€™t work so well. Iā€™d expect him to play deeper tomorrow. 1-9 we are flying but the forwards havenā€™t been fluid. Lynch is a huge loss to us. He makes us tick and lays on a load of scores for the likes of Tom.

I think if they canā€™t beat us but can stay close enough theyā€™ll take great encoruagement and we might see them again. Theyā€™ll learn again and i would be wary of meeting them later.
If they win theyā€™ll be very hard to stop. Though Iā€™d be quietly confident we could reverse it with Lynch back.

If we were to lay down a marker and beat them by 10 points or so i think Clare would find it hard to get back up again and it could burst the bubble.

I think we will get over the line after an arm wrestle. Limerick by 7. Iā€™m expecting a stormer from Hego, heā€™ll be frothing at the mouth. Heā€™ll be MOTM.



What happened Shefflin last time he tried that approach a few weeks ago ??

The biggest thing i took from it all was that Shefflin considers himself a Kilkenny man. And by that, his focus at the games end was all about him. Shaking hands with Kk playersz the while Cody thing. At no point in all of charade did he look like a Galway man, which is what he should be. It was very reminiscent of how Davy behaved before and after Clare games, more about him and Clare than him being a Wexford manager. And thats probably the thing that pissed me most off about him.

Yes, its your home county and all the history, but if you take on a new team, you should be embedded in that, not pandering to the opponents. The Galway players couldnt give a rats ass about the tiff between Cody and Shefflin, and if it bothered Shefflin that much, and potentially affected his mindset, then Cody won and made absolute shit of him as a result. Shefflin shouting at Eoin Cody and making sure he shook his hand before he went up, yes, hes family, but do that outside the field. All the Galway lads see is their new manager going around with the opposition.


We will dance tomorrow. There is a serious appetite around Limerick to put those Clare cunts back to doing what they do best.

Cutting our lawns in Kilkee.


Iā€™m beginning to think thereā€™s bad blood between the pair. I didnā€™t buy into the media outcry after the Salthill business, I thought it was daft actually but this eveningā€™s antics were indicative of a boil that needs to be lanced. 2 giants of the game acting like spoiled children.