All Ireland Hurling Championship 2022

They didn’t really have much to bring on. It’s why I’d honestly try and tie down KH for four years, and ask him to contribute to an overhaul starting with the underage setup. Trouble is, I doubt he can as it’s just too far to commute.
KH and BC are both serial winners, and, by corollary, don’t like losing. Not at all. I don’t think the players take it as badly, which is neither a good nor a bad thing, just a thing.

Maybe but there are no histrionics from Kilkenny supporters about it this morning. No they understand there’ll be another day.

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That, and they won. They bate cianan out the gate where it mattered.

Joseph has been flying it this year as well but laid an egg yesterday. Hard to figure out. As brilliant a hurler as Cathal is he occasionally drops in a performance like yesterday where you forget he’s still out on the field. Don’t think his positioning helped him yesterday. He just couldn’t get on any ball. Couldn’t get into it.

Taking Fahy off was a head scratcher as he was actually causing Kilkenny some problems. Can only assume they thought he was treading on thin ice with Owens.

I’d say you’re right wrt fahy. He was playing well, but I wasn’t sorry to see him taken off after what happened.
I wonder if maybe KH’s drive to win at all times panicked the players in the stalls. That what it seemed like. Still, you’d never know with galway.

Even if they’d left Fahy on and he’d got sent off it would likely have benefitted Galway more than what transpired. Playing with 14 men might have put a bit of fight into them.

Actually if ever a team needed a man to get sent off it was Galway last night.

They tried hard enough anyway.

Good line from Denis Walsh in Times on the minutes after the final whistle went- “Shefflin’s head must have been spinning, trying to process his team’s anaemic second-half performance, and all the while trying to navigate this diplomatic maze.”


Shefflin reminded me of Fr Dougal at the end. Was it that priests’ over 75 tournament where Dougal was focusing hard on standing behind the line? Shefflin picked a little square patch in his head and he was determined to stay inside it. He absent-mindedly strayed to shake hands with someone at one stage and did a swift about turn and returned smartly to the spot. I agree with @cheasty, we need detailed analyses on everything that happened after the match.


Fair play, nice to see a supporter admit a trampish act.

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That’s because they won

I don’t think you’ll find anything on here from a Galway supporter other than this mate.

Watched this back this morning and it really was awful stuff.

I cant help but think what a prime Joe Canning or Richard Hogan would have done in there.

But apparently the youngsters coming in replacing these guys are equally as talented :thinking:

I wouldn’t be so sure

There’s been Galway lads on here since yesterday saying exactly the same.

Ah you’re just referring to that trampish act. Agreed.

There are few in any generation with the combination of talent, strength, drive and courage to equal those two. It’s an unfair comparison.

Hopefully Del McGrath will have additional camera angles on the “handshake” for tonight’s Sunday Game

Some detailed stuff like the footage of JFK getting clipped by CIA/Mafia/Cubans

“Back and to the left Des”

Ger Canning doing the football so it’ll be Marty later on. I suppose its nicer to be shot to death than be stabbed and suffer.


Its amazing though that 10 or 15 all time greats all broke through from 2008-2015 and then nothing really since.

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