All Ireland Senior Football Championship 2014

@Dirty Hands Walter

How did you enjoy your Ulster Championship experience?

That Geaney lad looks a class act, I was also very impressed by Maher and Fionn Fitzgerald. Declan O’Sullivan was very good today but he was very heavily strapped up on both knees, is he banjaxed?

Kerry are unstoppable…what a team! Give them Sam now and be done with it…unstoppable kingdom !..

[QUOTE=“Il Bomber Destro, post: 978209, member: 2533”]@Dirty Hands Walter

How did you enjoy your Ulster Championship experience?[/QUOTE]

I enjoyed the game, pal. A bit of high jinks on the terrace with the Armagh chaps letting off flares and stuff. Was Kieran Hughes injured? That Monaghan #12 worked his balls off and I was impressed with their organisation and play as a unit. A very solid team with a few quality forwards.

fuckin hell that is some dressingroom for this day and age…

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 978121, member: 273”]It’s hard to stomach that. I watched it delayed.
It was just a gutless shameful performance. What the fuck was wrong with them? While they were poor I wouldn’t blame the full back line too much, tactically they were completely opened up. Corks “attempts” at fielding was laughable.

The question has to be asked, why have Cork completely abandoned the way they played in the league. Cutbert was completely hoodwinked here and it must have affected the team to abandon their more attacking game plan. It’s just crazy.

The half forwards were a disgrace, with midfield just behind them. Cork were hesitant and it all seemed to stem from a few miss passed balls in the first 10 mins. O Halloran made a fuck of 3-4 kickouts in a row.

Confidence is like shooting or tackling, you can’t just pick it up. They are in a very precarious position now and this year, while not a write off yet could be a disaster. I don’t think you could put Cork in a top 10 after that.

The lazy and selfish play of Hurley, Goulding and O Neill was terrible to watch. Going for selfish shits and being blocked like it wa a training drill to give the other lad the practice to block it.

They look like a shower of dickheads with the beards as well. Cop the fuck on ye clowns.[/QUOTE]

This wouldn’t have happened if John Cleary was appointed last winter but Frank wanted his man.Brian Cuthbert is clearly an incompetent county board lacky and i actually demand his resignation asap.That was the performance of a manager and players completely at odds with each other.


A weekend away in the Pery hotel, which is 600 yards from the bus station and 2k from the crescent, would do the team great.

Lol!Hopefully the hurlers will lose like men next Sunday if that is going to be their lot!At least JBM will get the lads to die for the jersey and say what you like about Conor Counihan at least he had Cork set up to be very hard to beat.This team seam to be mentally soft and that is compounded by a naieve manager who allowed too many experienced battle hardened players to leave panel during the winter not to mention dual players coming and going as they please.Still though at least Mister Cuthbert does a very good power point presentation.

Where’s Kev this weather???

Thought Kev said Cuthbert was going to transform this Cork football team.

They have backs, midfielders and forwards of IC standard. It helps.

In regards to what? I tol him Monanaghan would win the replay. I’m 6/6 in the games I predicted this weekend. I made some lads a few bob last weekend with the tips and I think I was 4/6 or there abouts.
He was right about Cork going on yesterday’s performance, but all he was doing was regurgitating northern media.

It’s easy remember them as they are so rare. Limerick ones however are ten a penny. You’d never keep track.

Don’t agree. It’s early days yet. He has made a massive mistake. Funny enough it’s very similar to a mistake I made a number if years ago myself. I changed tact and my plans after one result and pressure from older selectors and it was the wrong thing to do as it turned out and I should have stayed true to my beliefs and been stronger in my convictions. It wa a great lesson. Unfortunately Cutbert is getting this lesson at a far higher level.
The effort was poor, but that was clearly a very confused team.
He will be hurting and embarrassed, but he did so much for those players already and that needs to be remembered.
I thought all along this wa a dangerous game for Cork and either result had benefits. Win and you have the confidence of having beaten Kerry, lose and you get the qualifiers and games which this team needs.
But the players need to have a voice now, they need to say what they want and are comfortable with an they need to move on together.
Paddy Kelly to No.6 is a much better option. He is cleverer than Clancy who is a fine player but got fooled by Declan O Sullivan yesterday. Kelly Is far better at covering the full backs. Basically yesterday Cork didn’t have a stay at home centre back not a sweeper. Madness with the new rules and that Kerry full forward line.
They made Kerry look ridiculously good and they are not. They actually showed a lot of their limitations yesterday, which is astonishing considering how bad Cork were.

Cork need a good qualifier draw.

2010 was a real capitulation by Cork. They were wiped out. Limerick’s only capitulation of a similar magnitude in a knockout match since 1994 was 2009 against Tipp. Could argue their defeats to Offaly in 2003 and 2008 and last year’s by Clare were capitulations but then again Cork have had some bad beatings by Galway and Kilkenny in that time.

Limerick just haven’t been good enough over the last two decades.

[QUOTE=“The Scouse Cafu, post: 978399, member: 2660”]2010 was a real capitulation by Cork. They were wiped out. Limerick’s only capitulation of a similar magnitude in a knockout match since 1994 was 2009 against Tipp. Could argue their defeats to Offaly in 2003 and 2008 and last year’s by Clare were capitulations but then again Cork have had some bad beatings by Galway and Kilkenny in that time.

Limerick just haven’t been good enough over the last two decades.[/QUOTE]
And neither were Cork. At least two of those were in the Denis Walsh/ger Mac years.

Last year was terrible from Limerick. I don’t think they are AI contenders yet anyway, but that was a very below par performance.

There is just no comparision between the 2 counties. Cork have taken wins in big days against arguably better teams (Galway 86/90, KK 99) etc whereas Limerick have a history of under performing or throwing away games

Why did you rate this post as ‘dumb’ Kev? You said Cuthbert’s Cork was going to be a huge improvement on Counihan’s one?

Because it was extremely dumb. It’s his first year an what’s different so far?
Still lost to Kerry.
Blooded new players (which Counihan never did)
Got exposed tactically, but should learn from it - Counihan never learned.

He made a huge mistake. Obviously I’m not aware if it was external pressure or a self driven decision but there was a clear change in recent weeks.
Corks biggest issue for years is an on field dictator, in the Declan O Sullivan of yesterday mould. Paddy Kelly is that man, but has been injured.
Even yesterday when Cork started they moved the ball immediately, as in the rule seemed to be to give the ball to the man in front of you in the red jersey asap. That’s works well for Cork. It opened up Mayo in 2011, Donegal in 2012 and at times Dublin and Kerry throughout that period as well. The problem is there is nobody out there to dictate how Cork play that tempo. Paddy Kelly can do that. But what happens Cork is Kerrigan or someone gets a ball and carries (which is good every now and then to mix it up) but he kicks a wide or gets over turned. I have noticed this seems to be a catalyst for the self doubt to raise it’s ugly head again. He did it again yesterday. He has his value but he is not a leader and not a centre forward.
They don’t seem to work on these self doubt triggers. And they always stray away from what’s working, often related to the above.
Technically from a coaching perspective it’s ABC stuff. Create conditioned games where the ball has to be moved to a man in front ad-nauseam without solo or hops. Every extra solo Is one defender back. That simple. Drop the players who don’t buy into your game plan. But they need dictators on the field, so I think put Kelly Centre back and Mark Collins on the 40. You have creativity and players who can dictate the game then.
I don’t want to pick Kerrigan out as he is whole hearted and there was 30 people responsible for yesterday, but he seems very central to turnovers, mistakes, wides and in turn the beginning of the self doubt.
Brian Hurley is a leader an never gave up yesterday despite some selfish play. But the booting of long ball in straight away after half time was senseless and predictable and all without Sheehan around.
Counihan had 5/6 years without hardly ever evolving, you cannot compare Cutbert after 7 months.

I would go with this team and take the shackles off again. Attack attack attack.

Dorman. Shields. Galvin
Loughry. Kelly. Clancy
Walsh. Cahalane
Colm Driscoll. Collins. O Rourke
C O Neill. Hurley. D O Connor.

Cahalane needs the freedom out the park and he is a scoring threat.

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 978396, member: 273”]In regards to what? I tol him Monanaghan would win the replay. I’m 6/6 in the games I predicted this weekend. I made some lads a few bob last weekend with the tips and I think I was 4/6 or there abouts.
He was right about Cork going on yesterday’s performance, but all he was doing was regurgitating northern media.[/QUOTE]

I wasn’t regurgitating Northern media. I haven’t seen much criticising Cork in any Ulster papers. I called them for what they are - an average side with a very soft mentality, you have been lauding them as this groundbreaking ultra talented set of footballers who are the only team up there with Dublin - I saw enough of them during the league to put their position into context - they were very poor against Dublin and Tyrone and they had a very handy league draw, getting Dublin early and understrength when they did not have the pressure on for results, bringing Derry and Tyrone all the way down to Cork, 4 home games and a dead rubber in their last game. I found it bizarre the amount of stock you placed on a meaningless win over a Kerry B team. You were also wrong about Kerry, you were completely dismissive of them over the last number of weeks, saying they were finished and their backs were an embarrassment.

Interesting to see you now signing Monaghan’s praises when you were very dismissive of them when I highlighted them as serious All Ireland contenders a couple of months ago. The big difference for Monaghan yesterday was the changes they made in the team, they dropped Ryan Wylie and brought in scoring half forwards like Finlay and hit a number of great long range points. They didn’t play with the sweeper and went back to the familiar system which has served O’Rourke so well, they flooded the midfield and great long range points from the likes of Hughes, Clerkin and Finlay paved the way for victory. Again, you were highly dismissive of them earlier on this year when I said they were genuine All Ireland contenders. You also totally dismissed Armagh who forced Monaghan to bring their very best to the table to run out winners yesterday, although pretty comfortably in the end.

I have proven you as a spoofer on a number of incidents and won’t allow you to attach yourself to the Monaghan bandwagon when you were making some dismissive comments about them only a couple of months ago.