All Ireland Senior Football Championship 2014

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 978463, member: 273”]I have always thought Monaghan are a fine side, well balanced. However they are not All Ireland contenders. There is a difference.
I still think Kerry are way off as well and on yesterday’s performance Dublin would eat them alive going well. There were passages Of play yesterday distinctly like club football. It was hardly a good challenge game for Kerry
And as for bandwagoning, you are welcome to bandwagon whoever you want, that’s for kids like you. I just comment and appraise on teams, but only support one team.
Not that you would ever be able to allow/not allow me do anything.[/QUOTE]

So who are the All Ireland contenders?

The sheer, barely concealed, fury in this line is truly delicious :smiley:

Dublin. The only team I think might disrupt them is Donegal, but ultimately I think the Dubs are a good level above everyone.

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 978408, member: 273”]Because it was extremely dumb. It’s his first year an what’s different so far?
Still lost to Kerry.
Blooded new players (which Counihan never did)
Got exposed tactically, but should learn from it - Counihan never learned.

He made a huge mistake. Obviously I’m not aware if it was external pressure or a self driven decision but there was a clear change in recent weeks.
Corks biggest issue for years is an on field dictator, in the Declan O Sullivan of yesterday mould. Paddy Kelly is that man, but has been injured.
Even yesterday when Cork started they moved the ball immediately, as in the rule seemed to be to give the ball to the man in front of you in the red jersey asap. That’s works well for Cork. It opened up Mayo in 2011, Donegal in 2012 and at times Dublin and Kerry throughout that period as well. The problem is there is nobody out there to dictate how Cork play that tempo. Paddy Kelly can do that. But what happens Cork is Kerrigan or someone gets a ball and carries (which is good every now and then to mix it up) but he kicks a wide or gets over turned. I have noticed this seems to be a catalyst for the self doubt to raise it’s ugly head again. He did it again yesterday. He has his value but he is not a leader and not a centre forward.
They don’t seem to work on these self doubt triggers. And they always stray away from what’s working, often related to the above.
Technically from a coaching perspective it’s ABC stuff. Create conditioned games where the ball has to be moved to a man in front ad-nauseam without solo or hops. Every extra solo Is one defender back. That simple. Drop the players who don’t buy into your game plan. But they need dictators on the field, so I think put Kelly Centre back and Mark Collins on the 40. You have creativity and players who can dictate the game then.
I don’t want to pick Kerrigan out as he is whole hearted and there was 30 people responsible for yesterday, but he seems very central to turnovers, mistakes, wides and in turn the beginning of the self doubt.
Brian Hurley is a leader an never gave up yesterday despite some selfish play. But the booting of long ball in straight away after half time was senseless and predictable and all without Sheehan around.
Counihan had 5/6 years without hardly ever evolving, you cannot compare Cutbert after 7 months.

I would go with this team and take the shackles off again. Attack attack attack.

Dorman. Shields. Galvin
Loughry. Kelly. Clancy
Walsh. Cahalane
Colm Driscoll. Collins. O Rourke
C O Neill. Hurley. D O Connor.

Cahalane needs the freedom out the park and he is a scoring threat.[/QUOTE]

Its extremely dumb and yet you said it. You said that even this year we would see a huge difference.

All of the above maybe true but considering the complete lack of effort on the part of the players I would already be very worried about Cuthbert’s man management skills. Say what you want about Counihan but they always tried with him in charge.

A lot of average footballers on that team btw, and a number of lads who are superior in other codes.

[QUOTE=“Turenne, post: 978479, member: 232”]Its extremely dumb and yet you said it. You said that even this year we would see a huge difference.

All of the above maybe true but considering the complete lack of effort on the part of the players I would already be very worried about Cuthbert’s man management skills. Say what you want about Counihan but they always tried with him in charge.

A lot of average footballers on that team btw, and a number of lads who are superior in other codes.[/QUOTE]
Cutbert is known for excellent man management skills. He also has 4 very experienced men with him.

From the outside it just seems they panicked and abandoned the game plan, with the 3 hurlers coming in this was the perfect storm. Pure confusion is what I saw.

I’m not sure what you mean by those players are better in other codes? Other than them playing both it’s a redundant comment. Cadogan and Cahalane are better footballers anyway, and I don’t have Cadogan on the team. There is no “average” player on that team. Average players play Junior and intermediate club.

Kev, you’re all over the shop.

You’re writing off Kerry because they beat Cork too easily. A Cork team who you thought were Dublin’s nearest challengers.

Of course Cuthbert can’t be held responsible for yesterday - he must have just taken some bad advice!

Your ridiculous tactic of passing the ball forward to the next most advanced player on your team is absurd. Look at how Dublin engage defenders before shipping the ball on. passing the ball forward quickly just brings you into a wall of defenders if you don’t have anyone carrying it.

Complete over reaction by the bookmakers to half Kerry’s odds for Sam.

We learnt absolutely nothing about them yesterday.

James O’Donoghue can kick points for fun with nobody near him, whoop diddly do

[QUOTE=“Rocko, post: 978500, member: 1”]Kev, you’re all over the shop.

You’re writing off Kerry because they beat Cork too easily. A Cork team who you thought were Dublin’s nearest challengers.

Of course Cuthbert can’t be held responsible for yesterday - he must have just taken some bad advice!

Your ridiculous tactic of passing the ball forward to the next most advanced player on your team is absurd. Look at how Dublin engage defenders before shipping the ball on. passing the ball forward quickly just brings you into a wall of defenders if you don’t have anyone carrying it.[/QUOTE]
Ah leave him off Rocko, it tremendously entertaining to watch him squirm in plain sight like this :popcorn:

[QUOTE=“Rocko, post: 978500, member: 1”]Kev, you’re all over the shop.

You’re writing off Kerry because they beat Cork too easily. A Cork team who you thought were Dublin’s nearest challengers.

Of course Cuthbert can’t be held responsible for yesterday - he must have just taken some bad advice!

Your ridiculous tactic of passing the ball forward to the next most advanced player on your team is absurd. Look at how Dublin engage defenders before shipping the ball on. passing the ball forward quickly just brings you into a wall of defenders if you don’t have anyone carrying it.[/QUOTE]
That’s not what I wa saying, basically give it to the better positioned player quickly. Moving it quickly drags defenders out and creates space. Cork have done this in patches several times in the last few years. It makes perfect sense, you just don’t understand what I am saying.

As for Kerry, did you see the game? Did you notice how much time Buckley, Sheehan and Dec O Sullivan had? Sheehan at one stage took a standing solo to wait, yes wait, for a run from inside. Buckley kicked one point more or less standing still. Kerry were totally surprised at the time they had. Cork were so far off it’s unbelievable. Kerry scored 24 points for fuck sake. I am sure Kerry will have gained some confidence from it, but when they and other analyze it, it will become very clear how low a standard it was.
It’s mind boggling how Cork continue to expose themselves to Kerry’s inside forwards every year. I thought under some bit if pressure early on Kerry were very poor. It all seemed to change after Cadogan hand passed that ball away and Halloran followed it up with a few brutal kickouts.
If course Cutbert is responsible, but they are all responsible. You can’t just watch fellas ghost by and blame the coach. You have to have an inner desire as well. As I said 3 times already, he fucked up big style. However he is only 7-8 months in the job. We’ll judge him at the end.
He needs to get a psychologist in though, or lose the one they have.

Kerry have implemented a better defensive system, but players like Sheehan, Maher, O Mahoney, Walsh, O Sullivan and O Brien are not great in the turn and I think Dublin are a fat far more athletic team.

It’s become so much of a match up/style based game that if you don’t get it right you can be over run. Cork were just all over the place like a college team playing their first ever game.

[QUOTE=“thedancingbaby, post: 978502, member: 48”]Complete over reaction by the bookmakers to half Kerry’s odds for Sam.

We learnt absolutely nothing about them yesterday.

James O’Donoghue can kick points for fun with nobody near him, whoop diddly do[/QUOTE]

shush…Kerry are going to win the all Ireland pal… where once they used to laugh about Cork getting hyped up after Munster final victories …it’s now them …da Kerry boys are coming…

I think they’re laughing at how Cork absolutely capitulated pal. As for on here, its about how one person has talked so much bullshit and bluster and now is left spinning in the hole of his own making.


you’d swear the season is over…a lot of ball to be played before September…

No way? Really? Are you sure?

And yer man agreeing with this post :smiley:

Total idiots.
While it had set Cork back a lot, it’s not irreversible.

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 978538, member: 273”]That’s not what I wa saying, basically give it to the better positioned player quickly. Moving it quickly drags defenders out and creates space. Cork have done this in patches several times in the last few years. It makes perfect sense, you just don’t understand what I am saying.

As for Kerry, did you see the game? Did you notice how much time Buckley, Sheehan and Dec O Sullivan had? Sheehan at one stage took a standing solo to wait, yes wait, for a run from inside. Buckley kicked one point more or less standing still. Kerry were totally surprised at the time they had. Cork were so far off it’s unbelievable. Kerry scored 24 points for fuck sake. I am sure Kerry will have gained some confidence from it, but when they and other analyze it, it will become very clear how low a standard it was.
It’s mind boggling how Cork continue to expose themselves to Kerry’s inside forwards every year. I thought under some bit if pressure early on Kerry were very poor. It all seemed to change after Cadogan hand passed that ball away and Halloran followed it up with a few brutal kickouts.
If course Cutbert is responsible, but they are all responsible. You can’t just watch fellas ghost by and blame the coach. You have to have an inner desire as well. As I said 3 times already, he fucked up big style. However he is only 7-8 months in the job. We’ll judge him at the end.
He needs to get a psychologist in though, or lose the one they have.

Kerry have implemented a better defensive system, but players like Sheehan, Maher, O Mahoney, Walsh, O Sullivan and O Brien are not great in the turn and I think Dublin are a fat far more athletic team.

It’s become so much of a match up/style based game that if you don’t get it right you can be over run. Cork were just all over the place like a college team playing their first ever game.[/QUOTE]
You seem to think Cork can recover from that trouncing, which they can, but that Kerry won’t push on because of it, which is absolute nonsense.

[QUOTE=“thedancingbaby, post: 978502, member: 48”]Complete over reaction by the bookmakers to half Kerry’s odds for Sam.

We learnt absolutely nothing about them yesterday.

James O’Donoghue can kick points for fun with nobody near him, whoop diddly do[/QUOTE]
Probably a lot of gobshites who can’t read the game and see how easy it was for them lumping on. Bookies probably reacting to the money put down. With online betting I have no doubt there was gobshites everywhere throwing money down after 35 mins.

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 978565, member: 273”]Total idiots.
While it had set Cork back a lot, it’s not irreversible.[/QUOTE]

fuck Cork and Fuck Kerry…bald men fighting over a comb…Dubs and mayo will decide…

No, it’s not what I’m saying at all. That’s what you want me to be saying.
Of course it’s a fillip for Kerry, but the reality is neither team will win the AI

True for you, Laois will beat Kerry in the Quarter Final, it is written.