All Ireland Senior Football Championship 2014

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 948685, member: 273”]But you are putting them ahead of proven goal scorers an forwards who have produced on the big days. It’s the talk of a 16 year old. Typical lad going around saying we’ve a “savage” team in paper without actually having a clue what it takes to win All Ireland’s.
It’s a feather in the cap to be scoring in Sigerson and the league and it’s not easy no doubt, however it’s nuts to put them with lads that have scored goals in CP in All Ireland 1/4, semi or finals.

Scoring against Rory O Carroll or Marc O Se or Anthony Lynch or Shields at their peak in cp on big days is a good sight harder than subs in February or in Sigerson.

When they start doing that come back to me. And you still avoided the actual question.
Going on those images though McCurry does have a nice finish.[/QUOTE]

Maybe if you weren’t such a thick dullard you’d see that we were talking about who the best natural finishers are in the game.

Ya and you picked lads based on 2nd tier competitions. The real stars do it on the big day.

Thick dullard is probably a compliment given that you are still struggling to grasp a pretty comprehensive statement. We’re talking about natural finishers, not the best forwards - I really shouldn’t have to state that twice but you’re no ordinary person.

And all the players I mentioned were mentioned for that reason you tool. They finished great goals on big days.

Your lack of understanding makes you a laughing stock except most of the tools here seem to feel sorry for you.

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 948731, member: 273”]And all the players I mentioned were mentioned for that reason you tool. They finished great goals on big days.

Your lack of understanding makes you a laughing stock except most of the tools here seem to feel sorry for you.[/QUOTE]

They might be good goalscorers for different reasons, they are not better natural finishers though. You seem to be very dense and are having problems differentiating between the particulars.

There is no difference you spastic. It’s 3 points for a goal no matter how fancy it is. That’s why average county forwards like O Neill will never get them on the big day in CP.

You will have GAA pie all over your face, you cunt. I always come good. When has Colm O’Neill come good at Croke Park?

Think he scored a goal in an All Ireland Final against Kerry. The game where Kennelly milled Murphy from the throw-in. 2009? Scored a consolation goal against Donegal in the semi in 2012 too, possibly. I was at both games but my memory isn’t the best.

Correct Bandage. I thought he had set us in our way to a famous, most famous in fact, victory that day except that little cunt from Sligo fell for Gooches diving and whining, Conor Counihan made a ridiculous call on playing his club mate and then an even bigger mistake in letting Kerry take Miskella out of the game. At least that was a very good Kerry team and there was no shame in losing to them. A couple of the losses since have been disgraceful.
Kerry won’t have a team near that again for at least 10 years.

Seeing as Totti only started watching football last year I suppose we can’t expect him to know what players did before that.

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 949012, member: 273”]Correct Bandage. I thought he had set us in our way to a famous, most famous in fact, victory that day except that little cunt from Sligo fell for Gooches diving and whining, Conor Counihan made a ridiculous call on playing his club mate and then an even bigger mistake in letting Kerry take Miskella out of the game. At least that was a very good Kerry team and there was no shame in losing to them. A couple of the losses since have been disgraceful.
Kerry won’t have a team near that again for at least 10 years.

Seeing as Totti only started watching football last year I suppose we can’t expect him to know what players did before that.[/QUOTE]

You were well beaten in the two games alluded to, Colm O’Neill is a fantastic finisher but I think he can be quite easily marked out of games - which is why I would put him in the list of best natural finishers in the game but he would be much further down in the list of best forwards around. Saying Ronan O’Neill won’t score big goals at Croke Park is a pretty retarded thing to say given that he has only turned 22 this year and has missed a good chunk of football since coming out of minor with a cruciate ligament injury. He was in the same age bracket as Hurley and was the much bigger talent at minor level but his progress has been offset by injury. He is however showing signs of delivering on his potential this year, didn’t see the Sigerson Cupt this year bar a poor final but he was regarded as the star player in the UUJ team in a star studded forward line that included the likes of Jamie Clarke, Kieran Hughes, Conor McAliskey and Caolan O’Boyle, he is scored some really important scores during the league and is also blitzing the club league scoring charts - miles ahead of anybody else. The signs are there for him and you clearly know little about football if you are going to write such a talent off after such a young age. Has Hurley netted any big goals in Championship Football at Croke Park yet?

You are going down to club league game now.
How the fuck would you know weather O Neill or Hurley was at Minor. You maybe, at a stretch saw one game Hurley played, the final.
Anyway minor is not a barometer most GAA people use for senior players.

And your comments on Colm O Neill are laughable. Every time he stays injury free he becomes unmarkable. He had already shown this year in a limited time on the field that he has it all. Anyone with a football brain in their head would have him in top 5 forwards in the game, many would have him top 3.
Your argument is based on he is from Cork an I am from Cork this you feel the need to try and demote him in someway, as if it matters. The fact is I would give the Tyrone lads plenty credit when they perform on big days in CP. I actually do have high respect for them, I think they get an incredible amount out of themselves. And as it happens I don’t believe, at least till this year, Cork haven’t made the most of their talent.
However Tyrone are still hugely reliant on an aging group if soldiers like Cavanagh and the McMahons. They can’t stay going for 70 mins in CP and that was crudely exposed last year by mayo. Tyrone have produced good lively forwards from recent underage teams but are running out of the central dominat big men you need to win.
If you were involved in football you’d know that same thing drips down to every level, club Junior even. A few big men, scoring forwards and 6-8 very fit runners who preferably are good ball carriers and kick passers. The last 2 and the amount of scoring forwards are generally what determines what your level is. But big mobile men are a must.

Kev please,we all know your a cock…give yourself a break, stop typing.,

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 949049, member: 273”]You are going down to club league game now.
How the fuck would you know weather O Neill or Hurley was at Minor. You maybe, at a stretch saw one game Hurley played, the final.
Anyway minor is not a barometer most GAA people use for senior players.

And your comments on Colm O Neill are laughable. Every time he stays injury free he becomes unmarkable. He had already shown this year in a limited time on the field that he has it all. Anyone with a football brain in their head would have him in top 5 forwards in the game, many would have him top 3.
Your argument is based on he is from Cork an I am from Cork this you feel the need to try and demote him in someway, as if it matters. The fact is I would give the Tyrone lads plenty credit when they perform on big days in CP. I actually do have high respect for them, I think they get an incredible amount out of themselves. And as it happens I don’t believe, at least till this year, Cork haven’t made the most of their talent.
However Tyrone are still hugely reliant on an aging group if soldiers like Cavanagh and the McMahons. They can’t stay going for 70 mins in CP and that was crudely exposed last year by mayo. Tyrone have produced good lively forwards from recent underage teams but are running out of the central dominat big men you need to win.
If you were involved in football you’d know that same thing drips down to every level, club Junior even. A few big men, scoring forwards and 6-8 very fit runners who preferably are good ball carriers and kick passers. The last 2 and the amount of scoring forwards are generally what determines what your level is. But big mobile men are a must.[/QUOTE]

Of the team that started yesterday against Down, only Sean Cavanagh was over 30.

Morgan 23

McCrory 26
Justy 28
McNamee 23

McNabb 24
Donnelly 24
Harte 24

C. Cavanagh 26
Clarke 22

Emmet McKenna 25
S. Cavanagh 31
McGinley 25

McCurry 21
Ronan O’Neill 22
Coney 24

Justin McMahon is no veteran, Sean Cavanagh and Joe McMahon are the only players 30 or over who I would expect to be regulars in the starting team this year and both still have a lot to offer. I’d expect O’Neill, Gormley and Penrose to be used as impact subs this year as they have been used in the last two games and there are few better players to come in and steady the ship. Your comments are respecting Tyrone are ridiculous as you have done nothing but discredit and write them off for the past 18 months.

Ronan O’Neill was the top scorer in the 2010 Minor Championship, I think his form over all grades in the past 3/4 months at club/county/college show that he showing signs of fulfilling his potential as a top minor into a top player. You describing him as an average county forward just shows what an utter botton you are and how insincere your “respect” for Tyrone is. I doubt there is a forward in the country the same age as McCurry (maybe McBrearty) who has scored as much and yet you refuse to give him any sort of praise. I don’t expect Cavanagh and McMahon to be asked to carry out the same role as last year, Cavanagh has already been moved into the half forward line and I’d be hoping Joe McMahon will in a holding position at no.6 or in midfield much like how Harte deployed Collie Holmes. We also have Niall Morgan this year who missed the whole of last season.

As for Colm O’Neill, my comments are fair on not based on prejudice, I have given him credit in that he is an excellent finisher but I think he can be sussed out by a sticky man marker. I’d rate Hurley ahead of him as he is much more capable of winning his own ball.

When you grow a pair of balls to go toe to toe with me on another subject come back to me and stop trying to jump on the Totti embarrassing himself bandwagon.

Don’t delude yourself about the flogging I am giving you right now.

Ya the CON can’t win his own ball one would really get the votes in alright.

You didn’t read (hear) anything I said above and just went on about the age of all the players that are not the issue.

Anyway I have been proved right about Tyrone ever since predicting Cork would wallop them in 09 and I’ll be right again this year. They don’t possess the overall clad to be near winning an AI.
end of story

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 949074, member: 273”]Ya the CON can’t win his own ball one would really get the votes in alright.

You didn’t read (hear) anything I said above and just went on about the age of all the players that are not the issue.

Anyway I have been proved right about Tyrone ever since predicting Cork would wallop them in 09 and I’ll be right again this year. They don’t possess the overall clad to be near winning an AI.
end of story[/QUOTE]

Not many would have disagreed about the Tyrone side coming to the end of an era. But this a fresh generation of players coming through, many of whom have tasted All Ireland underage success aided by guys who have won multiple All Irelands who still have plenty to offer, the blend of youth and experience is there and Tyrone are a great momentum side who usually tend to get better as the season progresses. Dublin are way ahead of everyone else and Tyrone certainly have as much chance of anyone else in taking the title off Dublin.

I would rank Tyrone, Monaghan and Kerry as the teams most likely to challenge Dublin this year. Tyrone have already played more tough matches in the Championship this year as Cork will have to get to an All Ireland quarter final.

I’m expecting victories for Donegal and Galway today

I will be opting for Derry today, should be a great game.

I think it’s a joke that there is a distinct possibility that Down and Donegal/Derry could draw each other in the first round of the qualifiers.

I agree. History has a habit of repeating itself and Derry have failed many times to bring league form into championship whereas Donegal under McGuinness focus solely on championship.

Anyone know much about London player availability this year? Have they strengthened? I know of a couple of lads here approached to go back to them, so they were obviously intent on recruiting and continuing upwards.