All Ireland Senior Football Championship 2014

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 958438, member: 273”]When you know how.
Ignorance is a funny thing. And a is a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, .[/QUOTE]
That’s interesting because you continue to demonstrate the truth of both those statements in spades.

Where did I ever say I was? I’m near enough completed a degree in S&C and have been accepted for a Masters in Sports Psychology. Even then I wouldn’t dream of calling myself a scientist. I do however study sports science.
Your last 2 posts have really shown you up as a weak weak person.
I think I should leave you alone, it could be misconstrued as bullying.

Only a complete ignoramus wouldn’t accept what McGuinness was saying there. I admire his honesty.

Where does he say his training methods caused injuries?

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 958441, member: 273”] I’m near enough completed a degree in S&C and have been excepted for a Masters in Sports Psychology.

I can see why!

The weakness if Rocko, treaty et Al not to admit they have been shown up here is proof of their weak cuntishness. Those two in particular who revel in giving information about posters to other it’s hardly surprising.
Badly exposed here.

The whole article says it. You’d be better off just skulking away like the others. I already know what a horse shite you are, but you idiocy today will be forgotten/mixed up with all the rest of your silly was in a few days.
I think you should get a summer job, get ya out of the house.

I notice you avoided a reply to my other post.

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 958454, member: 273”]The whole article says it. You’d be better off just skulking away like the others. I already know what a horse shite you are, but you idiocy today will be forgotten/mixed up with all the rest of your silly was in a few days.
I think you should get a summer job, get ya out of the house.[/QUOTE]

I already have a job, Kevin.

The whole article doesn’t say it. The quotes attributed to McGuinness say they had a lot of injuries last year and that in order to not put pressure on these players they lightened the workload at the start of the year. Nowhere does McGuinness attribute the injuries as a result of his training methods and when I asked you to show me where he said it you failed to do so. Once again - where does he say it?

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 958441, member: 273”]Where did I ever say I was? I’m near enough completed a degree in S&C and have been excepted for a Masters in Sports Psychology. Even then I wouldn’t dream of calling myself a scientist. I do however study sports science.
Your last 2 posts have really shown you up as a weak weak person.
I think I should leave you alone, it could be misconstrued as bullying.[/QUOTE]

I hope you’ve done your homework and applied to do a Masters that is recognised by the proper bodies. Most if not all of the ones offered in Ireland are not and as a result Irish people go to Bangor and Birmingham University which are internationally recognised in the field of sports Psychology. But I’m sure you knew that already.

Is there one in Ireland? WIT have a one year course but it looked shit. Full time though. I’m going to do a 2 year part time distance learning thru a UK Uni.

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 958455, member: 273”]I notice you avoided a reply to my other post.
What post, Kevin? Post it again and I’ll post a reply.

[QUOTE=“Il Bomber Destro, post: 958462, member: 2533”]I already have a job, Kevin.

The whole article doesn’t say it. The quotes attributed to McGuinness say they had a lot of injuries last year and that in order to not put pressure on these players they lightened the workload at the start of the year. Nowhere does McGuinness attribute the injuries as a result of his training methods and when I asked you to show me where he said it you failed to do so. Once again - where does he say it?[/QUOTE]
Kevin has pussied out of answering.

Go back and read

Copy and paste, mate. It’s very easy. What do you want me to answer?

No. As you said the WIT one is poor. Caught out a lot actually who’ve done it. Is that the one in Derby? Know a few of the lecturers who deliver the elearning course.

I’ll send ya a PM tomorrow

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 958454, member: 273”]The whole article says it. You’d be better off just skulking away like the others. I already know what a horse shite you are, but you idiocy today will be forgotten/mixed up with all the rest of your silly was in a few days.
I think you should get a summer job, get ya out of the house.[/QUOTE]
The whole article says nothing of the sort. The headline (which McGuinness didn’t write) suggests it but it’s an example of a sub-editor not reading an article properly and just making up a headline that might grab attention. It only takes basic comprehension skills to figure out that McGuinness is adjusting training schedules to cater for players coming back from injury, not to prevent players getting injured.

You can hate McGuinness if you want. You can think he’s overrated or that he got lucky. But it takes real narrow mindedness to pretend that Donegal have done anything other than grossly overachieve since he took over.

Great point. Superb camerawork too. I’m not a fan of lads spending half a game videoing the game they’re attending.