All-Ireland Senior Football Championship 2016 You Are What You Eat


You are all over the shop here and the countless analogies you give shown a complete absence of the key fundamental differences between reactive and proactive.

The stereotypcial posture of an Italian player is a chap with his hands clasped and head sunk in the shoulders disputing a decision that has been made by a referee.

The Barcelona/Spanish alternative is a group of players gathering around a referee trying to influence his decision that has yet to be made.

You get whingers like Wenger who like to make excuses for everything but, in his defence, I don’t think there is much sinister in his means apart from trying to absolve blame from him and his team.

On the other hand, you have guys like Ferguson and Mourinho, who attempt to undermine referees and match officials and curry favour in their direction. I think that shows a lack of conviction in themselves and their teams as they fear an even battle - it’s like when Commodus wounds Maximus before the final battle in Gladiator.

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That’s the biggest load of nonsense you’ve ever posted on this site.

Fergie, Cody, joe and the barca players are serial winners mate.

Italians have class. Spaniards are all starvations.

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So are Marcello Lippi, Carlo Ancelotti and Mickey Harte.

You don’t see them out in the media trying to influence referees

Malachy O’Rourke is very gracious.

Thanks for illustrating my point and further portraying your ignorance between reactive and premeditated.

This is the video of Marchisio’s red card, no Italian player is around the referee until after Marchisio is gone. They dispute the decision, they don’t try to influence it. This subtle difference seems to be a point that is too challenging for you to follow.

By disputing the decision they are influencing the ref for the rest of the game. The are different situations yes but both are trying to influence the ref.

Mickey Harte has over the years consistently Moaned about refs in a bid to influence them. This doesn’t suit your agenda so you ignore it.

By disputing the decision you are disputing the decision. You are not influencing the referee, you are voicing your displeasure.

You are not understanding the key difference of voicing objection to a decision that has been made and in 99.9% of cases will not be reversed and trying to lobby a referee and put pressure on the decision he has yet to make.

See the Pepe red card vs Barcelona from a few years back for a bunch of players trying to influence decisions in his team’s favour.


By disputing a decision already made you are still trying to influence a ref. it’s not as bad as other forms.

See the words “decision already made” that follow each other?

I’m very surprised how weak you are on this topic. It’s bizarre that you think because players surround the ref after he has a made a decision they aren’t trying to influence him.

Yes they are still trying to influence him/intimidate him to make sure he makes a call in their favour.

You are unbelievably dense.

If players are willing to let referees make a decision without trying to put undue pressure on him then they are not trying to influence him.

If however, they are over there right in front of his face before he has decided anything trying to get them to make a ruling in their favour then they most certainly are trying to influence a referee.

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He has already made the call, you fool.

So why do they bother surround the ref after he has made the call?

To tell him he’s a fucking idiot.

The decision has been made.

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