All-Ireland Senior Football Championship 2016 You Are What You Eat

And of course trying to influence him for the rest of the game.

Oh for fuck sake, it could be in the last minute of the game in the last kick of the season, you bellend.

Do you understand the term reaction? Protesting after the decision has been made is a reaction, in 99.99% of cases it has no effect

Badgering someone before a decision has been made is premeditated and done so in the expectation that you may gain an advantage from it. It’s an attempt to take away any impartiality of the decision maker, it is a form of intimidation of making a judgement call on the decision maker’s own instincts.

They are different forms of it yes but they are both trying to influence the refs in different ways.

No they are not.

One is voicing disagreement at a decision they did not try to influence.

The other is active lobbying of a decision that had not then been made.

If a team really wants to try and exert influence on a referee they will do it before the referee has decided what course of action to take, not after he has undertaken that action.

That is the difference, now because you chose to talk absolute nonsensical bollocks and my inability to let these things go unaccounted for, we have digressed way off what was an interesting topic. You’ve made a mug of yourself, sleep it off.

I’ve looked at some of the responses to O Se’s clarification on twitter (not needed, but anyway), absolutely tragic stuff.

By the way I see McGeeney had a right big moan last week as well, great to have Championship here, really lifts the spirits.

That RTE link isn’t working anymore. What was the article? I can’t be arsed reading through 20-30 odd posts comparing managers of international soccerball teams and some retired players to figure out what the point is.

@Mac, Tomás Ó’Sé observed that Dublin have for want of a better word a “scumbag” in their team when they need it.

The independent has declared there is “outrage” amongst dublin supporters about the comment and have included a couple of tweets from random people to show exactly how outraged they are.

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Heard the interview yesterday and I didn’t think much of the comment really. Bad choice of word really. All of the top teams would have that element in it. The player that is going pull a guy down, wind a guy up, basically do what it takes to get the advantage over his opponent.

Or stick a finger in his eye

Is that a picture of Shergar on the RTE ‘404 Not Found’ page? :eek:

It is :grinning:

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Credit to Leinster GAA, making some slight bit of an effort to market the all but defunct Leinster Football Championship this weekend. Still a long way behind the market leaders at this sort of thing in Ulster, but these are nice

Has Martin Breheny published his pre championship rankings yet?

I see the Westmeath footballers had no jerseys for a recent challenge match due to having loaned out their set to the hurlers for their Leinster SHC game with Offaly.

Westmeath are down 3 sets of jerseys this year. The county board make out like this is a surprise. Players swap jerseys, unless their punished for doing so.

Still I doubt Dublin have this problem.

Those lads would wanna stop robbing the jersey so that they can wear it into Coppers.

Lads, are any of this weekend’s games on live tv ? I don’t see them advertised here in Puerto Del Carmen which has me fearing the worst.

@Nembo_Kid are BBC showing the Fermanagh v Antrim game ?

I see Peter Canavan is tipping Mayo for Sam, and rightly so