All-Ireland Senior Football Championship 2016 You Are What You Eat

Its my understand that semi final referees dont get the final, barring replay.

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No it’s a warning, how can you miss that?

A threat would be: ‘I’m going to load my semi-automatic machine gun. Mayo should be fearful’.

A warning against what?

Coldrick presiding over another dire All-Ireland final that sees the favourites drag out a victory.

For someone who spends so long reading and posting your comprehension of the English language this morning is letting you down badly.

But your post makes no sense, why should Mayo be wary of a referee who hasn’t been appointed to the game?

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I thought I saw somewhere that he had gotten the nod. Apologies if not.

I’ll go back and amend the posts to reflect this when i get a chance.

Good man.


Hunger lads, its all about hunger

While Killian Young lets a big one slip about Kerry’s goals for the year

How did Coldrick have anything to do with it being a drab final last year?

He refereed it very well, if Kerry believed they could win then it might have added to the spectacle.

Major finals across all sports tend to be quite drab affairs due to one or both teams exercising the fear of losing.

The vast majority of football finals since 08 have been drab, unexciting affairs.

The fact that it was a thoroughly shit day shouldn’t be discounted either. Straight away both teams dug in for a battle. I’d completely discount last years anyway given the conditions.

He slows everything down and fails to play advantage to the the attacking team. He did it again last Sunday.

Not to mind missing out on sending off McMahon for gouging.

He’s constantly ruining games. Can you name a decent game he’s been in charge of?

He plays advantage of its Kerry or Dublin.
He has mixed the excellent with the awful.

I think he is compromised by familiarity.

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Agreed with regard to decision making but the games he refs are generally dull.

Darragh Ó Sé: Time for desperate Kerry to cast off Dublin yoke (via @IrishTimes)ó-sé-time-for-desperate-kerry-to-cast-off-dublin-yoke-1.2766041

Some amount of yarns in that one.

Have not particularly noticed that trend but would well believe it.

Two major issues with football.

  1. The rules are cak.
  2. The refs are not fit enough

I am monitoring it alot now and have asked some researches for studies.
Is it referees being biased? My feeling is not deliberately. Its a familiarization thing. I think there is alot of science behind this.
Is it just fitness?
Do they really need a 2nd ref? Will that matter if rules remain dumb?

One thing that article definitely puts to bed is the idea that Darragh has a shadow writer

Win, lose or draw 11/4 Kerry is value

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I’ll give you 5/1 on them, if it only counts if they lose or draw. That’s serious value.

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