All-Ireland Senior Football Championship 2016 You Are What You Eat

He made one intervention and won 2 high balls in 2014. Vital and i gave him the credit at the time. However his overall play has been on the wane for a good while. He has been largely average or worse last 5/6 years.

Your points are hilarious in fairness. Very crafty, an innate ability to convince yourself. Just nobody else

Eh he came on and turned the drawn semi final on its head in a short space time. Destroyed Mayo in the replay and hit 1-2 in the final. Big game, big player, big moments.

You wrote him off and called him finished, he then went and put the big performances in when they mattered and left with an All Ireland medal in his back pocket and an All Star on his mantlepiece.

Dublin are second on the all time roll of honour, Cork are fourth and Kerry apart, no county hash played in more All Ireland finals than Mayo over the last quarter century. Scoring goals in All Ireland finals against Dublin, Cork and Mayo an impressive body of work.

Do you sneer at Mike Sheehy for only scoring goals in finals against your mates up in Roscommon in 1980 or Tyrone in 1986? - Tyrone as a county at that time with zero titles to their name and who had the biggest second half togs sh*tting episode seen in 130 odd years of finals in that 1986 final going from 7 points up early in the second half to lose by eight.

You denigrate some of Colm Cooper’s impressive scoring statistics because they were only against Mayo (in All Ireland finals) but in the same breath you big up Donaghy’s influence and scoring exploits in semi finals against Mayo.

Even by your standards, that’s very weak.


Clampity clamp

Not when Mayo and Cork keep shitting themselves in All Ireland finals as they have done in the past 26 years, it’s not.

Cooper only does it against weak teams who allow him play, when he has the questions asked of him - he doesn’t want to know it. He’s mentally weak which is why he has lost more All Ireland finals than he is won, the opposite is said for Donaghy as he revels in the pressure and that is why he has won more All Ireland finals than he has lost.


I think Brolly covers it better than I ever could.

Oh I’m sorry.

Did you have problems trying to spin the lies you made in your previous post?

Do you have problems validating your own opinions without the use of an amateur journo?

Huge amount of Kerry roasters about town

Waving the white flag now. Send on Joe Brolly to argue with me so if you are throwing in the towel.

I have validated them with my reasons. I have listed the clear examples of Gooch freezing in big games and Donaghy taking over matters. You must just have chosen to ignore them there as they made clean shit of your argument. Let us not forget that you told us Donaghy was finished, he saved Kerry in the semi-final and then went out and won the All Ireland for him. Proof if it was ever needed that you haven’t a notion about football or sport in general.

I just happened to find myself nodding in agreement with everything Brolly said in that argument.

he is a professional journo

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It’s quite funny Geoff in that you are known for shitting your togs around here and are desperately trying to defend the reputation of a guy who consistently shits his togs anytime his team are in a bit of a bother.

Nothing will change today, Cooper will shit himself as he once again fails in a game of serious magnitude. He’ll be there moaning and cribbing to the referee while doing his usual flopping to the ground, he won’t take matters into his hands like a real man would. A bit like you really in trying to contest that non-contests really matter in defining the greatness of a player.

Joe Brolly is a professional barrister trained at the The Honorable Society of the Inn of Court of Northern Ireland. Barrister regulation is very strict as regards allowing counsel to practice in another profession. I don’t see how Brolly could be classed as anything other than an amateur journalist. Are you in a position to clarify the nature of professional journalist qualification and training that Brolly has (if any) and whether or not Brolly is a member of the National Union of Journalists in Ireland?


Your flying it today Geoff. You better be careful or some clamping company will offer you a job. Fair play

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yes - he gets paid

joining a union does not make one a professional

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Brolly is not a qualified journalist. He is a columnist.

The term journalist can cover everything from photo reporter to sub editor to news reporter. It’s not exactly a protected term like doctor but the only sports opinion columnist that I’ve ever seen refer to themselves as a journalist is Spillane.

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EG has a degree in journalism, he is a successful businessman as a career and has never had an article published. you chumps would consider him a journalist ahead of a person who writes articles in a newspaper every week

Journalism isnt a proper “profession” and you cant be qualified in it