All-Ireland Senior Football Championship 2016 You Are What You Eat

Going to head along on Sunday. Fairly hopeful I’ll have a ticket sorted.

Feel free to sort one for me as well. I’d love to go.

Never believe those stories to be honest, horseshit.

Lazy journalism

Shoddy workmanship Ted

Decent crowd of us heading up ranging from 18-34. I suppose the Camden Quarter is probably the only place for us to head ?

I couldn’t disagree more. Pillar was a shit manager and is still a shit manager. I just looked at the 2011 AIF team and James McCarthy, mick fitz and Rory o Carroll are the only players that Pillar didn’t have available to him. He had Bernard available to him but chose to pick the likes of Mark Vaughan instead.

The marching to the hill and all the other posturing did fulfill a purpose alright. It turned us into a fucking laughing stock. Bottom line is as soon as any of pillar’s Dublin teams met a real All Ireland contender they filled the togs. However we haven’t stopped winning all Irelands since we got rid of him.


The Jar is a grand pub on Camden st.

Yea, you’re kinda caught between wanting a bit of atmosphere, and ending up in a place thats wedged.

I’m not going to flannerys and I’m not going to coppers. They can do what they want after that

I was in Cassidys the weekend of one of the Donegal All Irelands. Jesus wept. Good lil pub, but fuck it, you couldnt breath in it.

Only one answer. Start early enough and you won’t notice the crowds later.

Or be hauled off to the bed by 12, fresh for a few before the game Sunday.

Dame district

Would it be suitable for the 18 year olds in the group?

What pubs would you be talking about there? Mercantile? Foggy Dew?

Dame tavern, stags head. Watch game in mercantile - everyone out on street after. Prob be a band set up too

I’ll hopefully watch the game from the Lower Hogan.


Kehoes and Bruxelles off Grafton st
Send the young lads round the corner to the Grafton lounge or whatever it is called now and the bar with the umbrellas beside it

Dublin’s back six in the 2011 All-Ireland final was Mick Fitzsimons, Rory O’Carroll, Cian O’Sullivan, James McCarthy, Ger Brennan and Kevin Nolan.

Throw in Michael Darragh McAuley and Paul Flynn from the other sectors, as well as Philly McMahon and Kevin McManamon off the bench. You could even throw in Diarmuid Connolly.

Of those 11 players, only Brennan, Connolly, Nolan and Flynn were there in '07 or '08 and in truth none of them were fully ready.

The others were either too young or still well off being ready for senior inter-county football.

The bottom line is that Gilroy had a much better hand available to him than Caffrey and even then the team took a few right hammerings before beginning to take shape in the back door run of 2010.

Bernard Brogan was a comparative late developer compared to his brother - he hardly set the world on fire in '07 or '08 and and didn’t start to come into his prime as a player until '09.

Vaughan was only a regular starter in '07 and Brogan was also a regular starter that year.

Caffrey began Dublin’s dominance of Leinster and they were in the top two or three teams in the country in 2006/07.

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So do any of ye bogball gurus give Mayo a chance @Nembo_Kid @Sidney