All-Ireland Senior Football Championship 2016 You Are What You Eat

He was an unused sub in Longford 10 years ago. Last nights performance puts a serious asterisk beside his career sadly.

He is 100%. Lane is a cunt, no other explanation

But refereeing in Cork is dreadful.

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Dublin’s home ground is Parnell Park not Croke Park.

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Can’t believe the ref fell for it.:slight_smile:

Not any more, how many league or championship games have Dublin footballers played in Parnell Park in the last 5 years?

The money Dublin fans spend in Croke Park trickles down to the Muldoons and yet they still want these games to be played in Ballygobackwards.

You’d cut your nose off to spite your face.

It made no sense to play that match in Nowlan Park. When they were taking them out of Croke Park it should have been played in Portlaoise. It’s simple really.

What difference would it have made.? You’re splitting hairs. The publicans of Kilkenny got a windfall and the good people of that county got a rare chance to see the best team in the country play there.

Hopefully it might encourage their underage footballers to take bit more pride in themselves and end the county’s humiliation in football.

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That tweeter was best man for @anon98850436

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I very much doubt that the good people of Kilkenny attended the match, attendance figures would confirm that.
It was a June Bank Holiday weekend, Cat Laughs festival was on, the publicans had their windfall.
A team plays 53 consecutive matches in what is perceived to be their home venue, the one time they make them play away and they play at a neutral venue, Portlaoise would have been packed with a proper atmosphere.

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Utter nonsense, there is no appetite for Gaelic football in Laois. The van load of fans they brought down the road to Kilkenny is testament to that.

The Leinster council were quite correct to play the game in Kilkenny and try and give the game a shot in the arm in that county.

:rollseyes: they don’t give a fiddlers fuck about football in Kilkenny.


And that is why the Leinster council is trying to do something about it.

By giving millions to the Dublin hurlers.

We’re the only ones who can stop the puke hurlers of Waterford.

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They’re basically rewarding Kilkenny for having absolutely no interest in football

Or they’re trying to encourage the growth of the game in the county.

In a glass half full man myself.

Or maybe trying to get people interested. Like when they play hurling games in o more park or tullamore.

Its about a roof and votes my friend, nothing else.