All-Ireland Senior Football Championship 2016 You Are What You Eat

he could argue point © here, wasnt aware of it myself.

Provided he has at least one foot on the
ground, a player may make a shoulder to
shoulder charge on an opponent:-
(a) who is in possession of the ball, or
(b) who is playing the ball other than when
kicking it, or
© when both players are moving in the
direction of the ball to play it.*

*this definition will make me an even more annoying cunt when playing now…

Yeah I don’t think it was shoulder-to-shoulder though.

it wasnt, that’s why i said could.

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You weren’t aware you were allowed to shoulder a fella as the two of ye were going for the ball?

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There’s not a person whose seen him play that will believe that :slight_smile:

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We are talking about the sean quigley goal ya?

Kev I like you but are you deliberately obtuse or what?

Get to the point if you have one.

I was stating that I thought Quigley used his body, against the rules of play, to prevent his direct opponent from winning the ball.

Some fairly selective memory from Jim there, in the first year under his reign they were horrendously defensive. Absolute puke football. It improved after that alright, but he made no apology for it at the time. Need to get our defense right before we work on attack, I think he said at the time

But you used a tackling rule to prove your point. Its utter nonsense.

And then you even emphasized the tackling the ball part.

Mad stuff

It defines the tackle, and I was making the point that I thought he (Quigley) tried to tackle the player (illegally) a player off the ball i.e. before either of them were in possession of the ball.

Simply put Quigley used his body to shove his marker out of the way, you can see that by the way the Mayo player falls. There was no shoulder to should contact to make this happen so it should have been a free out, unless it was a dive.

Then by your standards Darby’s goal should have been a free out, even though you’ve already said it was legal.

Good luck.

No I didn’t.

Sorry, mate, it’s easy to get confused between no mark Wexford posters.

Yes, yes.

That’s easy to understand if you have a shortcoming in the ‘being able to read and tell the difference between words’ department.

I hope @croppy_boy dies.

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So do I mate. Imagine if he never did. Would that make him god.
Or worse…:smiling_imp:

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Fermanagh’s Marty O’Brien calls it as it is:

“There’s people on the telly talking about poor Aidan O’Shea going to work on Monday morning, but I wouldn’t feel sorry for him. He drives about in a free car – he gets enough from the GAA without getting penalties as well. He has this, that and the other so I wouldn’t be feeling too sorry for him.”


Why are you replying to my comment with this?

I wasn’t defending Aidan O’Shea for a second.

Ask the forum software, buddy.