Allianz National Football League 2023

Box office stuff. Do you reckon dublin know whatā€™s in store for them? Thereā€™s a lot of anti dublin feeling in Derry currently

Derry are the hipsters team now I see.

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Was there a job done on the surface there? Looked like a billiard table on League Sunday last night

Iā€™d say so. Itā€™s a lovely surface.


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Has any Kilmacud Crokes* player been involved with Dublin since their disgraceful actions on that fateful Sunday in Croke Park 5 weeks ago?

I can see Derry running up a big score here but something tells me this wont be the last these two see of each other this year.

The true connoisseurs of the game have been behind Derry for over 12 months now.

I would identify December 5th 2021 as the day Derry became a relevant All Ireland contender. It was the day Glen Maghera were first shown on Television when with some young, fit hungry footballers gave some poor misfortunes from Scotstown an almighty beating.

It boded well for the county side and has proved correct.

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Dublin 11/8 outsiders. Weā€™ll try to keep it kicked out to Derry

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Derry are the new Tesla

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Which Dublin players are favourites to get sent off this weekend?

John Small is the obvious choice youā€™d feel

Derry seem to be the latest Ulster team to be flavour of the month for the hipsters

I wonder will Derry accept defeat if they are beaten or will they lodge another Walter Mitty objection if Joe Brolly tells them too.


Unless something drastic happens theyā€™ll meet in league finalā€¦

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Youā€™re an incredibly astute poster, so Iā€™d nearly put money on this happening. Dublin of course will no doubt have home advantage then too.

Canā€™t be Galway every year, I spose.

A genuine question. Have any Kilmacud Crokes * players been called up by Dublin this year or is Dessie and more particularly Gilroy too ashamed to use them?

In cold, hard reality thereā€™s 3 or 4 of them who are good enough for it but Farrell and Gilroy are good men and no doubt would rather lose with honour and dignity than win by using cheats.


Thatā€™s bottom of the barrell stuff there pal. Besmirching a great team and some great players. I canā€™t imagine your pals or contacts in the Dublin hall of famers would cut you an iota of slack with ridiculous comments like those.


If an opposition team breaks the rules and has no interest in playing you to the rules of the game, then what can you do?

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Youā€™re talking nonsense again that your beloved wattys donā€™t seem to agree with judging by their ultimate actions. Whose a cheat on Kilmacud Crokes?

You could tell something was brewing in the summer of 2021 when they really ought to have beaten Donegal in fortress Ballybofey in the Ulster championship. The return of Conor Glass has been a major catalyst too.