Annual Performance Reviews in work - the audit trail

Hardly necessary.

Have my Q3 review in half an hour. Looking forward it. Got a lot of shit done over the past 10 weeks or so

I hope posting endlessly on this forum is part of your job spec chewy or else you might be fucked.

Its wage increase and annual bonus month.

I think I will invest in a new 530d.

Nah, sure why would my boss give one fuck as long as I am on top of my workload

I’m overdue mine by roughly 6 months. I’m not too bothered as long as I can get my yearly review done and bump up the wage packet.
I’m studying to be chartered so the company knows exactly what I’m doing as I’ve to do presentations to my dept every few weeks.

Good stuff sounds like you’ll be grand so-best of luck mate. :clap:

Do you have quarterly reviews Puke?
We have a rather informal mid year where if you are deemed to be lagging you are told then and usually it means you will be in the bad end of the spectrum come january.
Wehave to combine our achievements and accomplishments into a 1 pager and submit it with our bosses approval at EOY.
The crowd i am with follow the General Electric model of peformance appraisal that was developed by Jack Welch where you are ranked and rated against your peers.
The ranking and rating of the employees must statisticaly fit the normal distribution so ~75% of people will be deemed successful, with then those consigned to either end of the statistical bell curve getting either very good or very bad reviews.
Obviosuly this type of performance appraisal creates intense competition amoungst employees , especially towards the end of fiscal Q4 where people are kissing serious ass and trying to get impressive garbage on the EOY performance sheet with some form of data to back up the spoof that they have claimed to invent / destroy / save / eliminate, etc…

The management meetings then to decide how the employees are ranked take place in January, Managers need to squabble amoungst each other trading and dealing and trying to see where they can place their employees based on the acheivements, its a horrendous forum to be involved in.

Yes, quarterly and it is quite formal and structured.

I have a 7 A4 pages here of goals and results split over areas like People, Veolocity, Cost, Quality etc and then there are Value Based Competencies like Building Trust, Customer Focus, Enterprose Point of View and so forth. Then you are given a rating between 1 and 5 (although 3 is split into 3A/3B/3C and most people are awarded one of these) for your performance over the period which leads to pay rises and increments at the end of the year. 3A and above is seen as good - 3C and below and you are fucked and action plans are drawn to improve performance.

It is a load of shit and the boss doesn’t particularly like it but his boss and his bosses boss are stricklers for it meaning we all have to tow the line and have these quartly reviews. Other departments only pay lipservice to it and might only do it in december

After several years, I’m really getting the hang of this corporate bullshit.
Everything is geared around looking good and not being good.
I struggled with this for a long time because I am too idealistic. I’m getting over that.

If you:[list=1]
[]Look shit at your job and are shit at your job you are screwed and if you’ve been at it a few years you should think about doing something else.
]Look shit at your job and are good at your job you and screwed and you will be hugely frustrated until you figure out how to sell what you do better.
[]Look good at your job and are shit at your job you are probably an absolute cut-throat bollox and the people who know you are full of shit are coming for you.
]Look good at your job and are good at your job everything is great. Do whatever it takes to stay on the gravy train.
Started off a 1 as everyone does. Became a 2 and that was depressing, worked hard to become closer to a 4 and now want to become a 3 because it looks like good craic and I’d like to round off the set.

knock him dead kid

Has been put back til 3pm. That 10 minutes i spent getting myself psyched up in front of the mirror in the mens jack has gone to waste

7 pages sounds a lot Puke.
You seem to operate on a similar system to us with the five possible rankings
For our performance reviews tho and like any communications about any theory, fix, boast . hypothesis you just have to send data to prove or show what you are trying to imply,
A story or an email is not necessary as no- one reads it, if you improved cost on some consumable you need to graph the data and show what you did and the overall impact.
Fellas get good at this after a while, i work in start ups ( hence my periods of non posting because like Brian Tinnion i am literally doing nothing but working or returning videotapes) so once the start up is done (usually a 9 month period) and we are actually sustaining the thing you see fellas come into their own in this type of lark…

I’d say Fitzy is 4+

7 page quarterly reviews seem a bit much. Surprisingly I haven’t really had one in the US, a five minute chat, this is your rating and this is your variable comp and increase has been the extent of it.

The firm has adopted the GE style of ratings for non-management levels though, rating scale 1-5. Getting a 5 means you’re basically gone. Getting a 4 means you’re in serious danger if cuts are required.

I never really paid much attention to ratings before but I suppose they are fairly critical in a country where people are employed ‘at will’ and can be let go without any notice period or severance.

For the record I felt my performance was very average this year.

Apologies, the 7 page document would contain all goals and results for the year and would be an evolving document throughout the year. Obviously in it you would point out the key objectives that have been achieved in Quarter 3

Yeah we have the same 1-5 thing and it is across the board.
Nasty shit.

Quarter 4/Final review of the year coming up in a couple of hours time. Looking forward to it, has been a good couple of months

Being Self Employed in my place of work I am not subjected to this horseshit thankfully.

As my manager is a complete spoofer and bluffer and knows that I know this, he will once again postpone(cancel) my annual review as he did last year-happy days!