Another casualty of the recession

January says hello.



My reading of this is that rat Sweeney loves the high life. The recession finished him and he sought quick access to the high life again through easy cash. He’s fucked now anyway.

Can’t read full article but he’s hardly making comment himself or giving an interview is he??? will fix that for you :ok_hand:

He is. Bizarre article

Another round of redundancies from big tech on the way… aghaidhLeabhar up again soon.

My missus made redundant during the week from a tech company who, in the same.week, paid for halftime advert in the Superbowl!


What a prize fucking idiot. Ego trumps brains there anyway

Sorry to hear that mate. Hopefully its one of those slightly welcome ones where she gets a tonne of cash and a nice bit of time off before walking into another job.

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Yeah, she got 16 paid weeks + shares vested etc so that certainly softens the blow.somewhat. The fear is whether there is the climate to find anything similar as seems industry-wide changes being made so not much you can do.


My sister took a voluntary redundancy from a multi National this week. It’s a great package and she’s sorted a new job closer to home with better hours although I’d say it’s less pay


Tech is fucked

Rumour is these boys are making more role for themselves in the tech sector.

All the Professional Services firms are gone big into Tech Consultancy.


Yeah, seems they see a big growth opportunity to embed themselves in it. Can hopefully be to the benefit of many in addition to themselves.

Sorry to hear that.

I see Stripe is on course for a $100m profit after their much lauded cuts.