Another horrific accident in Donegal

50mg is classed as less than a pint in most cases but depends on the person. At least 2 pints then I guess.

That’s not how it works. I think he would need to have had at least 4 pints to get to that level. It’s not as simple as multiplying 1 pint X 3

Imagine if he was a traveller, I don’t think the media/ posters would be so kind about it.

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Here’s a report from another case:
15 pints = 187mg

Marcin Ziebacz, 29, from Poland, downed more than the weekly recommended intake in one night after drinking around 15 pints of strong lager at a Christmas party.

He was stopped while driving erratically in Berkswell, Coventry.

His alcohol reading, the highest ever recorded in the UK, was 191mg of alcohol in 100ml of breath in his first test and 187mg in 100ml in his second reading.

More than a couple anyway I’d say. Awful hard to hear that for everyone involved

Six or seven I’d say in a reasonably regular drinker.

Ugly. Very ugly.
Leaves a bad taste in the mouth

It explains what had been an inexplicable case a bit anyway.

The Daily Mail headline about this case is particularly obnoxious.

Verdict of death by misadventure.

Update the COTY thread.



There are no words.

I don’t fully understand. Does anyone know the basis for her loss of earnings claim?

Makes no sense unless it was psychological damage. Either that or she’s just a souless ambulance chaser

Well, let me think now.
I vote b.
A fat, selfish, useless, greedy, venal, weak, cunning ambulance chaser.

I am actually flabbergasted by that.

Holy fuck - what a cunt.


A nurse too.

Caring profession how are ya…

She may be suing to get at the deceased’s motor insurance company for PTSD or similar.

Accident may have fucked her up and that option has been suggested.

People often sue friends and family members to access motor insurance policies.

Sick fuck.

I’m really struggling to see the basis for her claim here.

No wonder the fella dumped her.

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