Anthony 'Dalo' Daly

The cunt is basically half cracked.Has he done a mental health piece yet?
If not,I’d guarantee you it will contain the following…
2-Doctor Con/Cyril/Bob etc
4.Ger Loughnane
6.Some priest

And that’s only the first paragraph😀
He’s likeable in all fairness and good luck to him

And in doing so he missed out on another heap of pints

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He gets the pints mention in early - bound to surely wind up a few of the hardchaws on here.


Daly is great fun.

Dalo has been on for last few weeks on how well clarecastle have been going. Beaten 17 points the weekend.

Ah that was tremendous. 98 was epic. They were some bunch. All sorts of mad lads. Sad the way so many of them don’t talk now.

It’s only the obvious few that don’t.

I thought Loughnane had fallen out with all of the players plus Considine and Mike Mac?

Probably read that on the internet though.

Loughnane is dead.

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Ha ha ha.

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The Galway boys will love him for bringing up the Least Affair

Did he fake his own death at half-time in an All-Ireland to inspire the Clare lads? Some man.

Drank a load of pints with Johnny Pilkington, what a shock.

I like Daly. I usen’t though. Before his podcast, and with relatively less exposure, he came across as a clichéd lunatic that RTE wheeled out for a laugh.

The nodding head, bulging eyes and theatrical changing of his voice, and even his accent depending on who he’s talking to, was hard to take seriously.

And then his whole outlook, no matter who he was talking to or about, had to be referenced to Clare and Loughnane. He could be interviewing someone and he’ll interrupt with “I remember when we played ye in '93 below in Ballyshittyarse and Loughnane says to me, he says…”. Like a fella who went to Australia for the year and every conversation he has when he comes home is about Australia.

But he’s turned me. There is something genuine in him that you don’t get from others in the GAA media. He loves the game and the people and he calls it as he sees it. It’s like the whole shtick he has disarms his guests and they give him, and the listeners, more. Herrity and Ken McGrath recent examples.

Good player, great leader. Suited to his current role. Complete spoofer on the sideline. That’s Dalo.



Daly is certainly not a spoofer on the sideline . I think he was appointed to a job in Limerick to which he probably wasn’t suited


That’s a good read.
I thought at the time that Clare were utterly blaggarded.
That match should never have been replayed, and if it was, it should have been restarted the next week with two minutes, or whatever was left on the clock, with a free to clare. Iirc, Clare had the ball and were going forward , three points up, when the whistle was blown.
Anyhow, he shows an admirable perspective.

Agree. Pretty much any county would be lucky to have him. Galway should have gone after him and missed a trick not getting him.

Jesus Daly is a complete cunt f a man.

Did a very solid job with an ageing Clare team taking them to All-Ireland semi-finals in 05’ and 06’. Not to mention winning a Leinster and a National League with Dublin. Feel like he’d have been a good appointment for this current Clare group circa 2016.