Anthony 'Dalo' Daly

Why has Tommy Walsh never been a Sunday Game pundit? Heā€™s one of the greatest players ever to play the game, he loves talking about hurling, heā€™s a bit of craicā€¦

I think that last one may be the problem for McBennett.


He hasnā€™t even been on OTB lately too which is disappointing, always a great listen

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For a lad thatā€™s always talking about the ā€œnarrativeā€ he didnā€™t do a great job of describing one.

Absolutely. Iā€™d always value his view.

KK lads keeping the heads down in case of wandering off topicā€¦ā€¦

Landers talked about a game last year he had watched 3 mins of on the Sunday Game. If heā€™s getting any coin out of this itā€™s too much.

Iā€™m sure heā€™ll be back for the Championship. Olly Canning, JJ and Jamesie are also free now.

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Have any of ye mugs joined Caman racing?

He recited the hurlers prayer and gave a monologue before 2019 All Ireland that made the hair stand on the back of my neck. It hit all the right notes. The other OTB crew were stunned into silence. Iā€™m sure some people might have found some parts of it a bit on the Marty Morrissey side of twee but I loved it. Encapsulated everything good about All Ireland final day with his dad etc. In fact Iā€™m sure some of it would have resonated with you given how many childhood memories you have of attending matches with your aul lad. Anyway I think he is criminally under utilised but maybe he just wants a quiet life and he has been there done that.


Read it off a sheet, twee enough, but fuck it, he tried.

Couldnā€™t agree more, McGrath does an awful lot of talking for a lad with very little to say

A wank of a human

Derek is the biggest clown in the whole of hurling.

The examiner podcast is being held together by Dalo and Teege. Their fourth guest is always weak whether it be Seanie McGrath who is coaching hockey or Ken/Brian Hogan who are as interesting as watching paint dry.

Wooly and even the Hurling pod are much better.


Best gaa pundit of them all. He has done some brilliant stuff pre match on OTB


He was on there a few weeks back on OTB. A good listen.

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Landers really knows his Cork hurling and players. Maybe he doesnt come across that way on the podcast but he has a very good knowledge of the Cork scene.

Heā€™s a fucking pig ignorant horsey Cunt

Tommy Walsh is really good, he just comes across as really genuine and loves the game.

I donā€™t think the Examiner podcast was ever supposed to be in-depth analysis tbf, itā€™s supposed to replicate pub talk. Teeje is the only one that seems interested in the tactical side of stuff at all.

I listened to it a bit but I wouldnā€™t be throwing it on every weekend tbh.

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He does a fair good job of hiding it so he does.

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