Anthony 'Dalo' Daly

You’d want to be some gom to lick Cody’s cupcake.

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It was an enjoyable listen and my regard for Herity has gone up a good but listening to it. Very much his own man and was fairly honest in his takes i thought.


Is it worth taking crap from the likes of cody for a few medals? I personally don’t think it is. By the sounds of that interview Cody treats some of he’s players like dirt.


It’s a free world at the end of the day, and as Herity said himself, the results excuse everything else.
Was it Brian Barry that said to him “There’s more to life Brian”? The reply was something along the lines of “Off with you to live that life so.”


Brian Barry might have had a point.

Wasn’t Brian Barry studying medicine for the short time he was involved with Kilkenny? There was a few, not too many that had that attitude. All pretty much departed at a young age.

He didn’t meet the Stepford Wife mould anyway.

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Not if your life was winning All Ireland’s

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Cody, a teacher, would probably feel threatened by an educated man such as an aspiring doctor. He’d prefer to have dullards like Larkin and Tyrell around the place


Pure Scutter — The only intelligence that seems to matter to him is game intelligence … I doubt he cared too much after that and i’m sure he wished every lad he had in under him all the best in their personal lives and careers.

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tenor (1)


I’d a great chat with David the day before the 2’12 replay with Galway, the auld boy does his hurls and he was out to collect one that he had in for a splice while bringing out the tickets to Dad too. Never spoke to him before then as he’s a good few years younger than me but what an easy going guy. The day before an AI and he was having the craic, very open with what he said about the drawn game and what was coming up the following day. Ben and Jerry were with me the same day and I got them to do a few lines of KK stuff I had drilled into them from an early stage and Herity lapped it up. A sound skin

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As Bill Shankly once said to a Liverpool trainee

The problem with you, son, is that all your brains are in your head.

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Those two goals Herity conceded to Pa B(o)urke in 2011 and 2012 were both pretty poor from a keeper’s point of view. Still, the county board secretary or chairman or whatever Ned Quinn is/was having a go at him about the one in 2011 in the dressing room afterwards is a bit much.

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Haha! Well spotted. Recite a few words - ya pedantic cunt!

Ah shur lookit

I applaud tap-ins mate :clap:. Lads around here make a living out of it sure…

There’s lads here are serious lads. They get serious likes. I’m looking no further ahead than that.

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