Anyone ever live in the Middle East?

lebanon is very complex
remember who Ariel Sharon got to carry out the massacre Sabra and Shatilla ? it was the lebanese christian militia
this is purely IDF v Hsibollah tho now

yeah, its messy as the IAF usually take out those convoys at night
blowing shit up at a prst is not their style and the wife said that earlier
it could be an absolute fuck up as well on Hisbollahā€™s part tho

Yeah hes in serious shit. Dont think the younger generations will support the fact he goes to war to rally the flag. What was the isreali movie about the tank unit that went into Lebanon? It was fantastic all I remember was the yellow flower field

Seems the chemical was intercepted by Lebanese customs from a Moldovan registered ship.

The Lebanese economy seems utterly bollixed

I saw on twitter, and I cannot confirm but someone claimed the blast was felt in Cyprus


That is a shit storm compared to some complaints over here.

this isnt israel - theyā€™ve actually offered help bizarrely- we had channel 10 news on there and its absolute devastation lads
this is an enormous fuck up on Hisbollah/Assad/Iran gone wrong trying to store / smuggle some type of trinitrate id imagine or some other liquid explosive-, syria had to get rid of a lot of that shit in 2013 - that could have been a cigarette butt, or just heatā€¦

herself commented here that this was like the Sbarro pizza restaurant suicide bomb in jerusalem in august 2001 where the secondary blast a minute or two later was more powerful than the first and it actually killed first responders as well as a pregnant woman apparantly i have just been toldā€¦ well there you go now ladsā€¦ thats shut me up anyway

Do you know Padraig oā€™Keefe?

My auld fella was in the leb in 79/80ā€¦ No doubt knows your auld fella if he was based in Sarsfield barracks.


I just assumed your old fella was from the leb


Be like the Irish army to go out there with 50 soldiers and come home with 51 and not notice a thing.


Ask him if he ever knew Davy Finn in there

Apparently 2,750 tons of ammonium nirate.
Jesus H Christ.

Thatā€™s horrific, God help those poor people.


Theres a few photos going around. Jesus christ there was lads blown into a million pieces. There must e thousands dead

Wasnā€™t in the army a few went over labouring on farms. Very random

Itā€™s like the pictures of after Hiroshima.
Poor fuckers in Lebanon canā€™t catch a break.