
How so? All microsoft office software available. Mail is shit so i use outlook on mac

Iphones show who is a blind consumer.

i fucking despise my iphone, and if work didnt track the fucking thing id fire it in a skip


Better for what? :rofl:

Ringing people?
Browsing the web?
Looking at ticky tocks?

Would you catch yourself on. It’s just an expensive brand you’re paying for. It’s a phone ffs

@TheUlteriorMotive is a slave to the capitalist pigs of the world

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martin scorsese pictures GIF

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@StoneCold tapping furiously on his Rundfunk- und Fernmelde-Technik phone

I’ve no doubt some professionals are tied in to apple and phones/ macs and what have you all connect and it provides a smooth work experience. But 96.34% of people buying apple are just regular joes buying a brand and they’re locking themselves into an expensive eco system when all they do is listen to music and browse social media.

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I’d agree with that stat.

Would your average apple user navigate twitter better than your average android user? That’s the question.


I’ve had both although I haven’t had an Android for a few years. The quality of Android hardware (including Samsung) used to be really shit. Something like the iPhone 4 could run for years no bother.

I believe the various Android phones have improved a lot.

Why would someone on Apple move though when you are in the ecosystem? They really aren’t that pricey. People lost their shit when they hit $1k+ originally but it’s something you can get at least 2 years out of and really more like 3-4. You won’t use an item more and stacks up well vs. other consumerism.

In many cases it’s the European Consumer Watchdog that is insuring the products are up to a certain standard. If not, then they’re not allowed to market.

Apple having to change their charging port is a case in point. It’s not something they decided to do themselves.


Every android i had last 2-3 years. Perfect for the money you’re paying… You apple heads dont half talk shite to justify buying an expensive gadget for it’s name only


Agreed and I just went back to Android 14 months ago,
Though TBF Google pixels are knocking on the door of apple prices ATM

Apple started out with the iphone by testing it on children to ensure the interface was simple enough for use by tech illiterate executives.


I think you’re contradicting yourself there old son.

If you’ve changed your phone more than once in the last 2-3 years then you’re being mugged off good and proper.

What are you talking about kid? I said the phone usually lasts up to 3 years

And tech illiterate journos e.g. weckler


Apple have traditionally provided support for their phones for longer and the hardware has proven more durable.,picture%20quality%20of%20the%20screen.
iPhone Owners Keep Phones Longer than Android Owners

That flies in the face of the meme about Apple users. In truth Android users generally have been either techies or the types who buy cheap white goods over quality for short term cashflow issues. When the latter pretends to be the former it can be quite funny.

Personally speaking, I tried the S3 and S4 for a bit as US phones and whilst I really liked them, the quality of them really showed up in them failing.

See my second point below;

You’re talking shite.
It’s a device for ringing people and sending messages and watching funny videos of chimpanzees scratching their arse and smelling their finger.

The rest is just horseshit.