
Those are the facts though. Apple phones have traditionally lasted longer. And consumer studies have shown they tend to hold onto them longer, ie the quality shows through.

For genuine techies I can understand it, when I’d get a Green text from one of them it would be obvious why they’d be an Android user. Most of everyone else would be the type of person always complaining about their car breaking down, buying a new washing machine etc.

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A very high falutin way of saying you look down on Android users as they are poor

Not really, I know of a fair few people who hang onto their iPhones for an age and will buy older models etc.

There’s a difference between income and smart purchasing / budgeting.

I’ve had a redmi note for 3 years. Paid €150 for it and it’s working perfectly. What would i have gotten extra if i spunked 1300 notes on an iPhone?


Smug nods of approval from other sheeple


:blush::blush:that’s what my kid used call me when I was on IOS,
TBF I’m on my 2nd pixel
8 pro ATM nut between the watch , phone n buds they’re getting as bad as :apple:
What :apple: has going for it the most is the resale values,
Can’t be bate ,
My 8 pro, watch and phone are like new but I’ll get F all for them compared to apple products

So right around the time they typically break.

No need to get the latest iPhone either.

I’d agree that people who upgrade annually with the latest iPhone or PCP a car are suckers but that isn’t reflective of the whole market.

I think it’s telling that you are trying to straddle two stools here - liking the “tech” superiority posts but then indulging in the gormless simpleton “shur they’re just for texting” line as well.

Of course the iPhone does, because the build quality is simply better.

The robust second hand market shows the value of the parts and also that people are prepared to buy them second hand and use them for years.

Apple manages to be both Toyota and Lexus under the same brand name. It’s fairly remarkable.

Rotten Apples

Screenshot (888)

What tech superiority? They’re for texting and calling people FFS. You’re trying to defend spending 1500 on a phone because we see through you as a pure sheep.

You liked this post.

You want it both ways.

You don’t have to spend that on an iPhone, look up their range. They will last longer regardless.

As is typical on TFK, we have lads spewing memes that are 10 years out of date. Apple today is not just the queue outside the door for the latest release.

I liked the post :grin:

You now know my inner most thoughts on the universe because i liked a post… Lolzers.

You sheep are mental…

I wouldn’t over think a like mate… I liked it because it would irk your sense of superiority… And guess what, i was correct.

Well played @TreatyStones

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I wouldn’t be very tech sophisticated but have had apple I pad but never a phone.

What benefit would I see in an apple phone Vs the cheap Oppo android I have now ? Genuinely curious as the only factors I considered were battery life and price when I bought this phone to add a gomo SIM…maybe I don’t know what I’m missing

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So you were looking for moral support so, there we go.

Odd you have no issue with this.

I suppose it’s each to their own. You can ask the opposite question as well.

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I liked a post pal.

It’s really not that big a deal…
I’ll mind my likes around you going forward as i didn’t realise you were so sensitive around them.

So to be clear, you think the tech argument is bollix all round.

Why do you not have an issue with expensive Android phones like the Pixel?

Gas cunts

To be clear , i couldn’t give a fuck about tech and I’d be equally against spending obscene amounts on android phones… The only plus with android at least being you’re not tied into a wider eco system like apple.