A Christmas miracle mate. She came back from meeting her friend in town and it turns out her friend was fully in agreement with me on this case. I’m heading out for pints at 4 and all is good with the world.
To get me to mass at 10pm herself has agreed to my request for a few scoops so I envisage sinking about four (4) pints before venturing to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Saviour.
Maybe it’s maturity, maybe it’s having three bhoys under five (5) with a heap of toys, but it’s been decided that Santa will wrap some presents and leave some on show that the kids will instantly see when they walk into the sitting room.
I’m from the Santa doesn’t wrap and the childer instantly see toys and get excited. Mrs Goode is from the Santa has loads of time on his hands to wrap the presents so they get loads of excitement unwrapping the presents.
Don’t know who is right but it’s compromise for the morning.