Are you all set for The Christmas


Were you out having pints at the time she got the flowers?

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I was, now that you mention it


It’s Christmas mate, don’t go down this road

Nom nom nom

Did he give her 11 roses or a full set?

It was one of those bouquets that they leave outside a Topaz. Looked like something that was on sale in a supermarket about 2 weeks previous.

@Appendage is some character.


Probably asked for a coffee and a catch up as he thinks ye are best buddies. Some people…

As the senior poster hereabouts I eschew all this modernist crap - I-Phones, drones, virtual reality devices etc., although I manage an OMG and other wheezesat their appearances.
My daughter captured me brilliantly today with a nicely wrapped box and the verbal addendum “there’s an election coming, always look your best”.

I found this nugget inside to top me off…


Is that how she played it to you?

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@Horsebox is harmless

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Word for word. Exactly as I described it here.

OK mate. There is also the possibility that she was rattled by her surly husband coming home after a session of booze, to find out another man had given her a bouquet of flowers.

Don’t rule out that possibility, mate.

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She rang me and asked me to get home asap for fear the weirdo would turn back up again. He’s harmless enough at the back of it all but every so often he’ll take a turn like this and you wouldn’t know what he’d be capable of doing.

Off. Right handed so good eye facing bowler. Not that I always see it of course…

OK mate.

All I’m saying is to consider all possibilities and view things with an objective mind.

I’d say @mac is sorry he pursued this path with the old explaining is losing in mind :smile:



Everything is about you @Mac
Isent it?

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