Arise, Sir Boris

Don’t be silly. Spain, Portugal and Greece were absolute basket cases before they joined the EU.


The thoughts of those gimps in the Dail getting to call the shots again fills me with dread.

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The euro currency and the activities by the EU and ECB to maintain it are dangerous .

They were dictatorships in the main

The bikini saved Spain

You said this 5 years ago.

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Tell that to the 30-40% of young people who are unemployed.

The unemployment rate in Spain before they joined the EU was 5%, it’s 15% now. GDP is lower in southern Europe now than before the 2008 crisis. The only solution after 2008 was a massive investment program to boost productivity, instead they got German imposed austerity.

The Germans didn’t give a fuck as long as their exports were rising, driven by China. That strategy is beginning to bite them in the ass as China growth slows.

I only started posting here four years ago.

The Greeks fiddled the books and were structurally inept.

The Eurozone deserves criticism for allowing them in- a political mistake at the time. However, radical changes were required in the Greek economy.

Discussing a fiscal stimulus is all very well, but the claims that Southern Europe bear no blame for their issues is a nonsense. Similar with Ireland.

Why do people keep comparing the Eurozone to the EU.

The UK had a sweet relationship. They didn’t want the currency, that’s fine.

This utter shit on the EU collapsing is risible. The Eurozone could. But the EU is simply an advancement of globalization, which won’t stop.


Great prediction.


Globalization is dead.

“When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, Sir?”

The EU will not survive without massive restructuring.


Globalization will continue as it is human nature. Countries putting up trade barriers is temporary.

Yes there may well be a violent reaction at some point, but we are continuing on the same road we have been going on for centuries. I have no issue with countries reasserting themselves in that shift, backwards and forwards steps, but it’s going somewhere.

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I’m tired of reading Zero Hedge readers putting out this apocalyptic nonsense, which they have been for years.

Zero clue on the difference between the EU and the Eurozone. Look at what the UK actually negotiated with the EU. Strip out the bollix on the backstop and future payments. They need to stay as close to the Single Market and Customs Union as possible. Brexit is a grand experiment in delusion, not because of people said they could leave these things. But because people like yourself in that post said the EU would fold and the UK would get whatever they wanted. What they wanted was the cream that the EU offers and it ultimately doesn’t come free. The Brexiteers have gone from claiming they would get what they want to invoking the Blitz spirit and saying it won’t be that bad. I can at least give some credit to a Brexiteer economist like Patrick Minford. He admits that the world is going global and that Brexit is to him a speeding up of the process of the UK flushing out uncompetitive industries, like car production. However that was not the tale people were told.


Brits in or out of EU won’t matter a fcuk, we’ll all be eating nothing but rice when the belt and road initiative fully takes hold …

I’ll tell you what else pal, What’s The story Morning Glory is much better than Definitely Maybe and Favourite Worst Nightmare is much better than The Arctic Monkeys debut.


& eastern european economies. The EU expanded too far, too quickly and trying to support too many backward economies during the last 10 years seems to be proving too much.

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Estonia, Poland etc?

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those eastern european hellholes always look towards russia, they are not proper europeans and should never have been allowed in, full of racists and homophobes

Well I was reading somewhere that the Polish economy is exceeding all expectations. Don’t know anything about Estonia. The German economy is struggling a bit which is fairly worrying for the EU as they’re the real engine. How much of a drag would the unification of Germany have been over the last 20 odd years?