Brexit, Byegium, Czechout, Departugal, Dexit, Grexit, Italeave, Latervia, Nexit, Oustria, Slovakout, Spexit, Swexit, and Finish

Should be a cracker of a Spanish election on Saturday, brexit has been a #gamechanger

I think so. Talks of long negotiations before an article 50 letter is ever submitted. What odds a change of government before those are ever complete and a decision by the new one to go again.

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No chance. The EU wants them gone asap. The process will be streamlined, this is not the Nice treaty weā€™re talking about, the brits are gonzo

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Yeah the mandarins in Brussels are going to want to go in hard on the Brits here.

The BBC schedulers got it spot on todayā€¦


The EU needs the UK far more than the UK needs the EU. There will be lots of bluster and bullshit from Brussels, but they know the game is up. Greece hasnā€™t a notion of making its debt payments this summer, and there will be no UK contribution to future bailouts. The EU is finished, this will start a steady stream of countries leaving, Sweden, Netherlands, Denmark, Hungary and ultimately France. The countries who will stay with the Germans are the ones who need ongoing bailouts like Spain, Italy and Greece. It will be interesting to see how long ze Germans will continue to support them.


Hi guys,

In case anyone on here may take this chump seriously its worth noting that this very morning he assured us that David Cameron would not resign


Iā€™m thinking/hoping the same. Itā€™ll hit home for a lot of people what theyā€™ve voted for when they go to buy Euros in the next few weeks for their holidays.
Interesting times ahead.

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I was the only one on here who said Brexit was likely you moron. Cameron is a spineless coward, the only leader I am aware of who resigned even though the majority of his party wanted him to stay on.

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Mate Iā€™ve warned you about the internet before


lolz, what a chump

that my friends is called a clamping


ffs, nobody diedā€¦ unlike when Britain has exited other communities :grin:

The rain in London kept the thick cunts at home mate, it was always going to be close. Their hardy country cousins are well used to rain.

He should really stick to knowing nothing about US politics without trying to diversify that lack of knowledge into European politics.


@anon7035031 is one of the biggest WUMs on here, there is no other plausible explanation for his carry on.

Thatā€™s a compliment considering most on here are aspiring WUMs. I can only dream of one day sitting on the right side of @Tassotti in WUM heaven.

The English would not stand for a re-run

G[quote=ā€œSidney, post:554, topic:22508, full:trueā€]

He should really stick to knowing nothing about US politics without trying to diversify that lack of knowledge into European politics.
