Arise, Sir Boris

Which Irish manufacturing has been transferred to China?

The EU has massive global power precisely because of this, Ireland has massive global power through being part of it.

If you’re alone in the modern global trading environment, you’re nobody, and the UK will learn this if they go ahead with this grand historical folly.

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You said “globalisation is dead”.

Does Ireland depend on globalisation, or does it not?

The EU has had close to zero growth since 2009 and is essentially in recession.

Did you read that on Zero Hedge?

Globalization as in the transfer of manufacturing to the lowest cost countries is dead. Ireland does not depend on low cost manufacturing.

I don’t read Zero Hedge. Please find an article I have posted from Zero Hedge.

You think all the manufacturing jobs are going to come back to Europe and the US.

Wow, and you’re calling me hopelessly out of touch.

Your views do seem to come straight from there, mate

That could be because you’re just nuts or it could be because you cog stuff from it and claim it as your own views

All your views on US politics are cogged from conspiracy type sites so it would make perfect sense if your views on other matters are also cogged from conspiracy type sites

You obviously read Zero Hedge then, not sure why you waste your time.

I’m aware of the sort of stuff it peddles

Same as I’m aware of the sort of shite the Daily Telegraph, the Daily Mail, the Daily Express, Fox News, Breitbart, the National Enquirer and Infowars etc. peddle

Where did I say that? Depending on the product low cost may or make not make sense.

The transfer of manufacturing and more importantly technology to low cost is the #1 reason for the destruction of the middle class in the US and many European countries. Without a middle class and upward mobility developed economies collapse. It’s basic economics.

So you read all of those, fascinating. It’s no wonder you’re insane.

Right there

I love watching @anon7035031 holding court and educating all the dullards. There’s no finer sight in full flow

No, I’m aware of the sort of shite they peddle because it it’s always important to know what your enemy thinks

That you have problems understanding such a basic concept says a lot, doesn’t it

And your views come straight out of all those garbage media outlets

I don’t read any of them though.
And yet you do.
Think about that.


Donald Trump wasn’t friends with five paedophiles either, or something something

Globalization as in the transfer of manufacturing to the lowest countries is dead. Selective use of low cost makes sense, not widespread transfer at the cost of losing control of all technology as has happened.

You are really out of your depth here.

For somebody who claims to understand capitalism, you really don’t have the first clue about it, do you

You really do think the manufacturing jobs are going to come back

Clueless doesn’t begin to explain you