Aston Villa

This match is pretty woeful.

Its so bad iā€™m half contemplating starting a row on here


Leave me out of it you cunt

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Big win for Stevie Gevie, Southampton are a bizarre team


A fat scotch cunt

Itā€™s hard to tell if yer man Ralf/Ralph is doing a good job there or not. Thereā€™s a 9-0 defeat in them but theyā€™re always around 13th come the end.

Iā€™d rarely watch soccer but Iā€™m minding a grandson who is unfortunately a follower so we watched the 2nd half. Is this Ralf lad the manager of Southampton, the lad in the 3 piece suit with the jowls of a porter-shark?
He has the potential to feature in the roaster thread and little else. Who the fuck rocks up on a sideline in doughty Birmingham on a Friday night dressed like that? Iā€™d say heā€™s the consummate bluffer and Iā€™d further add that the standard was woeful. 45 minutes Iā€™ll never get back and Jockser fled to bed in disgust with the whole thing. Out Out Outā€¦ā€¦


Managers were ā€˜encouragedā€™ to wear suits this weekend to respect the Queen. Ralf looks like a man who rarely wears a suit

Stick a green and white scarf on Jockser and bring him to PƔirc SeƔn tomorrow

I have an abundance of green and gold flags here, itā€™ll save me money rigging him out in them :wink: Should be a cracker but Iā€™m leaning toward a cagey affair. Weā€™re unlikely to see a repeat of the County final of last year but who knows. Mohill worthy favourites but SoH are hard bet.

4/7 Mohill vs BSOH 7/4 seems wide. Will be tighter than that.

Obviously hope mohill sneak it.

Should be a cracker

Did you ever hear such shite.


I never heard such shite fagan.

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Never but nothing surprises me with the British. They ( The FA and other organisations ) are so afraid of the Daily Mail getting ā€œoffendedā€ and going after them that the last week has been made up of ridiculous statements of places closing.
See also the shite with Centre Parcs but that backfired spectacularly for them.

Ah Jaysus

In my workplace, the software we use for staff expenses had an image of Her Maj superimposed and a caption ā€œReigned over us for 70 yearsā€ - a software provider from the UK presumably. One of the directors had a fit and some underling was despatched to sort it out. After some frantic phonecalls cross channel a solution was found for Irish clients - an image of Her Maj superimposed and a caption ā€œReigned for 70 yearsā€.

Gerry Adams Gaeilge GIF by Sinn FĆ©in

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Ah here.

What in the name of fuck is Unai Emery thinking :joy:

A grand life over in Spain and a nice bit of credit in the bank, and walks away from it for a few extra bob.

Seems, on paper at least a good move from Villa. Vastly more experienced and proven manager than Gerard. Took over a mess in Arsenal, but heā€™s taking over a mess in Villa as well.

Take the money when it comes, heā€™d have been run at some stage in Spain. Thereā€™ll always be another job

Proper schooling there from the Villa boys. Hon the Villa.