Athletics Thread

What time?


At what point do we start to turn against Adeleke? How long more until she’s gone too big for her boots?

She’ll do well to last to Christmas knowing this country.




RTÉ filming from the Freigh Inn in Newport tonight


Disappointing they wouldn’t go to Rhasidat’s local!

Healy will fuck it

She’ll get a late late appearance and then it will be open season . She went off on a scholarship to America when Carlow IT couldn’t have done more to try entice her type of stuff

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She’s fast. She just needs to hang on for last 150m.

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She’s unlikely to go down the racist rabbithole like Kellie and Rob so she might be ok for a while yet.

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Come on Ireland !


Kellie has virtually disappeared from public view

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Won’t get much preview but Efrem Gidey comes into the 10k tonight with one of the top 10 times in the field this season, albeit in the road I think. Another great story to throw in the far rights face given he came here as an asylum seeker.

And Andrew Coscoran is in the form of his life going by his runs in Australia in the spring. He said in his interview after the semi finals they he was only using the Diamond League races he bombed out of as an adjustment back to Northern Hemisphere. He really talked up his chances for the final. He has no chance of a medal based on all known info but it’ll be interesting to see if his own confidence is warranted. Not often you see an Irish man taking on the lead with 500m to go in the semi final like he did in such a race.

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Times are those two going?

After the relay. The 10k has a team element to it as well. Our lads were originally slated to run in a B race but no clue why they’re in the A race now

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Whatever happened to Israel Olatunde?

He’s been running all week, have you been watching at all?

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