Auld lads whinging about having a few pints

Bollocks & Bollocks…

I was a Budweiser man in my formative years.

When kids arrived and Covid arrived, I was alarmed to see it had disappeared as an option in draught the odd time I was out since.

Corrs is okay if you get a decent pint.

Can’t put up with stout anymore. It’s shocking shite in the main.

Ah it doesn’t

It tastes like nothing, it’s beer for people who don’t like beer and want a cold drink


Bottles of Miller were a big thing about 20 years ago when I was in college; one of the first mainstream ones you’d get cheap in an off licence. You’d hardly see one nowadays

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Box of 20 for 20 was the usual deal wasn’t it? Twas popular in my post college years (the glory days of 2003-07 before I met my wife :rofl::grimacing:)

I had a few pints of Smithwicks last week. First time in a long time. Went down well. Usually I’d be shook after a few pints of Guinness.
Does anyone drink “BudWHYzer” anymore, as the auld lads used to call it in my local.

Diageo lost the rights to distribute Budweiser a few years back and replaced it with Coors. Shite replacing shite


Informative. Always thought Coors was distributed by Heineken Ireland

It certainly used to be anyway. The aunt’s husband was an engineer with Heineken and the back in the day cheap slab offers we’d get were Heineken, Coors or Murphys. I don’t remember that changing

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I was in the Castle Inn (Cork) last weekend and could see the bottles of miller in the fridge. First time seeing them in years.

I can’t believe there were fellas out there drinking Budweiser. I suppose it was the only lager option in some spots for a long time.

I’d have a good few pints of it back around 1998 a good bit. In my defence, I was 16

It was my first drink too; in fariness it was ahead of most when it came to marketing at the time

They were a lovely drink I always thought.

At first they were and then you were always likely to get a few flat bottles in every case; it seemed like the quality declined.

The twisty cap was fierce convenient too.

Nasty hangover off them.

I remember drinking a heap of then one Saturday night after my Leaving Cert and I was introduced to ‘dying’ the next day.

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When I was 18-25 a hangover meant being a bit sluggish for the first 15 mins in a football match.


looks like my fact may be wrong

Hangovers were grand back then. The pain and regret was usually gone long before the Friday Mary I lunch of curry chips and burgers with onions and about three heavy handed spoons of burger sauce.