Banter or Racism

Modern Life Is Rubbish was an album released in 1993, not a single which was being widely played on television and radio in August 1995, pal

Itā€™s also an album Iā€™ve never liked much despite multiple listens

This is my favourite swamp song version

For tomorrow was a great single, Villa Rosie one of their best album tracks,
The cover was brilliant

Not like you to miss an obvious one like that.

Blur for me.

My mouth drops in wonder and awe when I look into this thread and see
you otherwise relatively smart posters (apart from the fact that yeā€™re lunatic misfortunes) quibbling over that utter worthless droning pack of phenomenally untalented useless useless useless alcoholic drug addicted no good lowlife horrible illiterate indecipherable probable gay greasy bastards Oasis. I mean I just canā€™t understand it.

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I always thought they were shit too. Awful dirge. Blur wrote far better tunes.


Blur won the war.

No doubt about it, out of the two Blur were better. Blur were no great shakes either but they shat all over those greasy tone deaf pissheads.

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Oasis Oasis Oasis



Youā€™d never get a good shouldering contest at a Blur concert @KinvarasPassion

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I got shouldered once by Brian Logan at the urinal when attending a wedding in West Galway.

I once got hit with a golf ball by Brendan lynskey.
I didnā€™t say anything.

You should have apologised to him

A dairy industry spokesman is just after referring to ā€œthe ni##*r in the wood pileā€ there on radio ulster.

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Was it on a golf course?

Hello is a top song from WTSMG

Top top banter there