BBQs and barbecuing - I love ribeye more than I love my kids

Yeah, I put the ash into my raised beds.

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Ah in fairness you wouldn’t get close in the oven. There’s a whole science to the smokers and how they’re built to get just the right air flow, not to mention the timing and the rub etc. It’s knowledge that’s passed down through generations and acquired through many many hours of trial and error. A top pitmaster would be akin to a master distiller in my view, as much an art as a science.

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That’s an unmerciful e-dig in the head for @tallback


Yeah, he was.coming from.wicklow but sounded Midlands I thought. Herself met him as I was in the upstairs bathroom laying cable when he arrived. Could hear him give the care guidelinesnfrom my throne

Had the good manners to sit tight until after his departure sooner than the flush and rebuttoning be heard and I land on down the stairs to the chap!

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Best BBQ joints I was in the States were in predominantly black neighbourhoods in the rural south.

There was one in Georgia that I was Captain Cook hitting Oz, the first sighting of a white man by the local black populous. Place was made of asbestos, I’d say if you leaned against the wall, it’d have toppled like a house of cards. A shack.

But i nearly had to be carried out of the place the fucking eating I did. An absolute pig of myself, nothing short of incredible feed for half nothing. When the food runs out, the food runs out cos, say, the smoking process takes hours.

Was in good ones in Memphis and Boone County, NC that were well reviewed etc. But none bate the donkey fords of BBQ i found in Georgia. Salivating thinking Bout it


Is that a euphemism?

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He was chatting to the Arabs

Yes, when the food runs out, that’s it, not like they can throw another piece on. They’d have started the night before with the smoking. At many of the best BBQ joints in Texas they’d be out of brisket by noon. At the more famous/popular ones, if you aren’t in line by 10am or earlier all you’d be left with is a bit of dry chicken or sausage to eat.
In Texas brisket is king, in NC and Georgia it’s all about the pig, pork ribs that would melt in your mouth.

Had mixed experience with brisket. Few times didn’t think much of it. Like a pot roast is all I thought! But when I got a good one with the bark(???) or smoke rings, it was sensational

The practicality of shipping to the west coast didn’t look great when I touched base with him.

I could get one as far as Limerick/ennis at a pinch for you next week if you wanted

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Someone call the guards.

Brisket is one of the Kings of meat full stop… I fucking love it


He dropped another for another TFK’er who is paying me exorbitant courier fees to smuggle cross country. Thanks @KinvarasPassion you’ve gone above and beyond with the cash settlement.

Tried feebly to explain to Ger when delivering how an anonymous poster (you) had pointed a number of recent purchases to his range.

‘oh yeah, what site is that?’
‘err, TFK’
‘Never heard of it, what is it, like a craft and hobby site?’
‘ah, yeah, sure, that about sums it I suppose…’

'Geez, I must jump on and thank this guy, what’s his name?
‘gaillimhmick, said hurled a bit with you’
‘geez know loads.from Galway, plenty of Mick’s and hurled with lots of both. Have you a number for him, would just like to thank him’
'i haven’t, never even met the man,.couldn’t tell you if Mick is even his real name!"
“Ah, right.”
Awkwardness intensifies as he tries figure why this lurk is holding out on him with your details + delivering units cross country to another anonymous met online…

Anyway, he asked me to give you his number and you might drop him a text so he can firstly place you I’d say and secondly to thank you.

+353863520671, putting public in event any others looking to buy one from him. Sound skin and great piece to sit in front of and while the lockdown hours away. And if ye do buy, maybe one of ye cunts can explain this place to him


Ah thats excellent.

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:joy: I got this text earlier

Well Mick how are you. Just wanted to check and see if you’re part of a hurling group that is promoting my firepitse as I I was just talking to a guy here in r********** who bought one. He’s on a hurling group and Galway Mick has been giving me great promotion


He also revealed by accident the name and address of another user here thinking it was my name/address

William- now you know I know…