BBQs and barbecuing - I love ribeye more than I love my kids

I’m not sure are you serious?
Why is the meat 50% cheaper?

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If you aren’t getting your produce from Ireland’s breadbasket then you would want to get your head examined

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I’m not sure about the percentage but the meat is significantly cheaper and the quality is top top quality steak. Check it out. As I said once you go there it’ll be your spot from then on.

I’ve given this info to the forum a couple years ago.

This Redmond’s place any good @Bandage et al?

Where can one acquire a Tomahawk steak online?

Well if bandage et all I think the answer is in the question


@Rocko sent me to a garden centre in Kinsealy one morning for a breakfast recommendation- don’t underestimate the level of unchallenged obedience on here


I sincerely hope I didn’t do that. Or at least got a decent kickback from @anon98850436 for steering you in that direction.


It was cafe lemonade I believe. A shithole. The sausages and rashers were reheated from a white tub in a microwave. It was an epic mugging off


Good and proper :drooling_face:

Oh I’d well believe it. But it was a TFK friendly establishment so I probably felt compelled to endorse it.

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Like a Fingal Players Lounge.


Best of luck to you and them.

As it happens, has anyone gone there since I posted that last week?

In supervalu from today

What sort of a lunatic would bypass their butcher and buy meat of some class of conglomerate?

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Some proper grub on the go here


That’s savage good technique.
You just couldn’t get a waffle like that on a gas grill

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Nothing like a flammed grilled waffle

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