BBQs and barbecuing - I love ribeye more than I love my kids

There was a top chef on with pat Kenny this morning talking about barbeques. Pat tried to include gas in the conversation but Gary was having none of it and shut him down before he got going.


Charcoal/wood= barbecue

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A lot of hard chaws on here grill and call it bbq-ing.

You know the kind I’m on about…The type of lad who would die first if trapped in the wilderness… And the rest of us would BBQ him and ate him.

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I’ve encountered a few on this trip. Come over for a barbecue, to find they have a shit gas yoke a foot square and twenty people to feed. In fairness to the yanks they go big.


You’d be mortified for them…

I’ll take @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy’s word on the matter rather than what a few jumped up Micks think

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I’d prefer not to take the word of a penal colony on this or indeed any matter of substance.

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@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy is a penal colony?

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A penal colony is his reference point.

I’ve never propped it up. Just set the bbq up for indirect heat. Chicken on the indirect side for about 70 mins, but always use the probe.

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I’m calling bullshit on this.

This lad is going into the bbq for a few hours and then will finish in the slow cooker overnight with some cider and homemade bbq sauce.


They have the mini kamado in a Aldi again. 60 notes. A lovely yoke to reverse sear a rib eye on.

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I’m heading down to this on Sat for the day. I’ve heard good things - it sounds the perfect mix of beer, meat and learning a couple of tricks


by god, I had to cancel going to that as other things came up, going in October instead

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I presume @TreatyStones will have a stand there?

@TreatyStones you need to get one of these set up

Myself and @tallback hopping of beer and a hape of food yesterday, some job.


A great day on Sat at Smokin Soul in Wexford - I’d recommend it for anyone who wants to up their BBQ game. The two guys running it are passionate about BBQ and food and their passion is infectious.

The crowd at it are basically all middle-aged men - a creche for lads as my friend put it but it’s a fine way to spend a Sat afternoon. Tipping away at some beer and eating great food. Great to meet @gman too - a gentleman.