BBQs and barbecuing - I love ribeye more than I love my kids

Not a friendship bracelet in sight


I was going to comment but I let it slide…

Jesus that’s one sad fucking photo. A load of middle aged men watching a few lads making burgers.

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This is the activity to tide you over until you’re eligible for the Men’s Shed

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I’d love to know what the original comment was :grinning:

No different to cooking programmes.

Apparently one of the reasons they are popular is because it gives us the sense of being around a camp fire like the lads thousands of years ago. It feeds that need that we all have. It also stimulates our brains in other ways.

I’m going to put this down as perfectly normal.

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Pitt Bros

I’m not getting into a discussion on it. I’d rather spend my time doing anything else than watching other people prepare and cook food

Seems you’re not normal so.

good, if that’s normal I don’t want any of it.

How’s the achilles chief?

i’m up tomorrow for a check up, the cast will be off for a brief time so I’ll get to scratch the fuck out of my leg. They’ll decide then whether it’s another stint in a cast or a boot with a high heel. I’m going to get the bollocks slagged out of me at training if its the latter

There’s certainly a clear demographic there.

I’d enjoy that myself though, so can’t say much

I really thought there’d be more gimpy beards.

Better that than protesting outside refugee centres or the likes I suppose


I hadn’t expected that some lads would be triggered but here we are.

It doesn’t take much

This is TFK.



How many friendship bracelets are you wearing

:grinning: none

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