BBQs and barbecuing - I love ribeye more than I love my kids

“Monkfish fillets are best eaten as fresh as possible. Keep refrigerated between 0˚C and 5˚C and consume within three days of delivery. If freezing, do so on the day of delivery and consume within two months.”

Monkfish Fillets – Fresh Fish Daily

the whole brady family will be signing into the toilette etiquette or soiled yourself threads later on

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I don’t see a year on that.

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Cooking frozen fish on the BBQ :smiley:

Jesus wept. The guards will be called


@Kyle has reeled in lads lovely here and has them hopping like sausages in a pan

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Hopping like frozen monkfish in a pan

Frozen? … You know that it defrosts in a couple of hours right?

I honestly have no idea of the sort of lad you are anymore…
But thick as mince is the first thing on the list.

No mince.


The fishworms have gone to your brain…

I have the whole forum hopping on one thread or another.

My brain has never been better.

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Sure no madman ever realises their own madness…

You’re an animal

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His gut biome is impenetrable, fears no seafood

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@Fagan_ODowd 1
@Kyle 0

@Fagan_ODowd 1
@Kyle 2

We’re back.


That is idyllic.

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I bought an electric Ninja bbq off my good pal Dominic Smith today. I’m sure it’ll drive the beardy craft beer drinking lads demented but I’ll be using it fairly infrequently


What does an electric ninja BBQ involve? Like the heat comes up from an electric yoke or what